Thank you for your suggestion, but it did not fix the permissions problem.

On 01/24/2013 10:13 AM, Rob wrote:
> usermod -a -G amavis clam

How is this different from:

gpasswd -a clam amavis

And I am still getting the permissions error.

> service clamd restart
> be happy
> On 24.01.2013, at 04:16, Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:
>> I am trying to follow:
>> Which seems to really be written for Centos 5, with just some selinux
>> references for Centos 6.  There are real problems here for Centos 6 with
>> the userids section.
>> It gives the following command and result:
>> cat /etc/passwd | grep "amavis\|clamav"
>> clamav:x:101:102:Clam Anti Virus Checker:/var/clamav:/sbin/nologin
>> amavis:x:102:103:Amavis email scan user:/var/amavis:/bin/sh
>> But my Centos 6.3 has:
>> clam:x:494:490:Clam Anti Virus Checker:/var/lib/clamav:/sbin/nologin
>> amavis:x:493:489::/var/spool/amavisd:/sbin/nologin
>> Note the difference in userid clam instead of clamav.  So this causes
>> problems with the group recommendation:
>> In addition, the clamav user should automatically have been added to the
>> amavis group:
>> # groups clamav
>> clamav : clamav amavis
>> If not, you can manually add clamav to the amavis group:
>> gpasswd -a clamav amavis
>> so I did:
>> gpasswd -a clam amavis
>> So far, it seems just changing what userid is now used by clamav...
>> But in testing for spam I see the following in /var/log/maillog
>> Jan 23 15:56:17 test1 amavis[25669]: (25669-01) (!)run_av (ClamAV-clamd)
>> FAILED - unexpected ,
>> output="/var/spool/amavisd/tmp/amavis-20130123T155617-25669/parts:
>> lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR\n"
>> I checked this directory tree and all along the tree the permissions are
>> to amavis:amavis
>> So where is my permission problem?
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