Sorry, mentioned [pgdg92] twice. Pls ignore/delete the [pgdg92] that
has priority 15.

Received from Bry8 Star, on 2013-01-28 10:16 AM:
> For PostgreSQL, i've done these (shown below) at initial/test
> stage: (pls DO NOT follow/copy it, try to understand pattern and
> do what fits for your case/need).
> From a VE instance inside HN:
> yum has these plugins:
> fastestmirror, filter-data, keys,
> list-data, merge-conf, presto, priorities, security, verify.
> # CentOS-Base.repo
> [CentOS-base]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> # i do not want below set from centos repo
> # as these exacts are released by postgre devs
> # but other postgre portions from others i do want
> exclude=postgresql.* postgresql-contrib*
> postgresql-debuginfo* postgresql-devel* postgresql-docs*
> postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-jdbc-debuginfo* postgresql-libs*
> postgresql-odbc.i686 postgresql-odbc-debuginfo*
> postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* postgresql-pltcl*
> postgresql-server* postgresql-tcl.i686 postgresql-tcl-debuginfo*
> postgresql-test*
> priority=1
> [CentOS-updates]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> exclude=postgresql.*
> postgresql-contrib* postgresql-debuginfo* postgresql-devel*
> postgresql-docs* postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-jdbc-debuginfo*
> postgresql-libs* postgresql-odbc.i686 postgresql-odbc-debuginfo*
> postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* postgresql-pltcl*
> postgresql-server* postgresql-tcl.i686 postgresql-tcl-debuginfo*
> postgresql-test*
> priority=1
> [CentOS-extras]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> exclude=postgresql.*
> postgresql-contrib* postgresql-debuginfo* postgresql-devel*
> postgresql-docs* postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-jdbc-debuginfo*
> postgresql-libs* postgresql-odbc.i686 postgresql-odbc-debuginfo*
> postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* postgresql-pltcl*
> postgresql-server* postgresql-tcl.i686 postgresql-tcl-debuginfo*
> postgresql-test*
> priority=1
> [CentOSplus]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> exclude=kernel.*
> kernel-firmware.* kernel-headers.* postgresql.* 
> postgresql-contrib* postgresql-debuginfo* postgresql-devel* 
> postgresql-docs* postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-jdbc-debuginfo* 
> postgresql-libs* postgresql-odbc.i686 postgresql-odbc-debuginfo* 
> postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* postgresql-pltcl* 
> postgresql-server* postgresql-tcl.i686 postgresql-tcl-debuginfo* 
> postgresql-test*
> priority=1
> # pgdg92-centos.repo
> [pgdg92]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1 
> priority=10
> [pgdg92-source]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> priority=10
> #scntflnx.repo
> [SciLnx-6x-os]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1 
> exclude=redhat-rpm-config.* postgresql.* postgresql-devel* 
> postgresql-docs* postgresql-contrib* postgresql-jdbc.* 
> postgresql-libs* postgresql-odbc* postgresql-plperl* 
> postgresql-plpython* postgresql-pltcl* postgresql-server* 
> postgresql-test*
> priority=13
> [SciLnx-6x-updates-fastbugs]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1 
> exclude=postgresql.* postgresql-devel* postgresql-docs* 
> postgresql-contrib* postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-libs* 
> postgresql-odbc* postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* 
> postgresql-pltcl* postgresql-server* postgresql-test* 
> priority=13
> [SciLnx-6x-updates-security]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1 
> exclude=postgresql.* postgresql-devel* postgresql-docs* 
> postgresql-contrib* postgresql-jdbc.* postgresql-libs* 
> postgresql-odbc* postgresql-plperl* postgresql-plpython* 
> postgresql-pltcl* postgresql-server* postgresql-test* 
> priority=13
> [SciLnx-6x-debuginfo]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=0
> priority=13
> [SciLnx-6x-SRPMS]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> priority=13
> [pgdg92]
> #<...snip...>
> enabled=1
> priority=15
> ... other repo & distro ...
> In above way, i get most from PosteGre repo, and other postgre 
> related side packages from other repos. if i were to place 
> exclude=postgre* then all packages would have gotten excluded,
> and then the extra postgre pkg which are not released by postgre,
> would get hidden/excluded as well, though, i could have used this
> approach for to get that:
> includepkgs=related-extra-postgre-pkg
> to get those. but then i would need specific name, but what if
> new extra pkg that i dont know yet, is included, but since i have
> not specified specifically, those would get hidden/excluded. (my
> repo inquiries have shown, many other repo has at-least 1 to 3 or
> some up to 6 extra postgre related tools which are not released 
> by postgre devs themselves).
> Few patterns/logics which i like to follow:
> repo#1, rpm priority 1, srpm priority 50
> repo#2, rpm priority 10, srpm priority 40
> repo#3, rpm priority 15, srpm priority 30 
> repo#4, rpm priority 20, srpm priority 20
> ...
> Priority numbering pattern/logic:
> Since i'm using centos as my
> base, so various DISTRO & REPO rpm/binary which are closest to
> CentOS & CentOS's source RHEL, those distro & repo will get
> lowest priority# close to centos. i like to think/visualize in
> this way ... a LIST from top to down, now number them from top to
> bottom 1, 2, 3.. CentOS is at position 1, the top-most position. 
> The lowest priority number, is at highest, upper position in the
> list, is chosen first by yum/installer, and has highest
> priority, if it(yum) wants to install something.
> my knol is this (i could be wrong):
> RHEL based source ->
> |-> CentOS base.
> |-> Scientific Linux.
> |-> Oracle Linux.
> |-> ClearOS
> Linux.
> (Fedora stable source -> RHEL -> RHEL source).
> EPEL has extra small tools/apps/libs for RHEL base apps/libs, and
> also for RHEL based clone/derivative distros (few mentioned
> above).
> RPMforge/dag has many perl related stuff.
> REMI has latest+stable PHP, MySql related stuff.
> ELrepo is for hardware latest+stable drivers, kernels.
> kdeRedhat is mostly for latest+stable KDE, QT,
> samba, etc.
> RPMFusion has closed-source-free, open-source-free,
> non-free etc apps.
> ATrpms has MythTV, Scientific Apps, etc.
> LnxTechNet has audio,video,etc apps.
> And Fedora 17, 18 source/src/SRPMS are needed to be re-built on 
> cnetos for those apps/libs, then those can be used with centos.
> Pkg "Excluding" pattern/logic:
> (means, Getting specific pkg from Non-Centos repo):
> Now for example if i want something specific 
> called "pkg-set-3" from repo#3, then i would have to place those
> specific pkgs inside the "exclude" line in repo(s) which are
> listed at upper position on the repo-list, so that will be
> repo#2, repo#1, so it will be:
> # repo_1.repo file inside /etc/yum.repos.d
> [repo_1]
> exclude=pkg-set-3
> # repo_2.repo file inside /etc/yum.repos.d
> [repo_2]
> exclude=pkg-set-3
> # in 'exclude' pkgs are 'space' separated
> Where & How to tweak & apply intelligence/knowledge and
> experience and tricks , etc for repo-config ? i like to call it
> HI (Human Intelligence), multiple (or one) developer's initial HI
> becomes AI in a software.
> Each repo file will most likely have one or more section/channel
> like below:
> [section-or-channel-name]
> config_options=values
> ...
> in repo#2, the "pkg-set-3" can be placed inside all
> section/channel of that repo file.
> For setting repo#1 (in our case, this is centos), we will have to
> do these:
> set "enabled=" to 0 in all new repo, (except centos.repo), or, by
> using yum command-line options instruct "yum" to disable all
> repo, then instruct yum to enable only 
> centos-base,centos-updates, etc repo only and then do "yum
> check-update", like this:
> yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=base,update,centosplus,extra 
> check-update
> ... above command will show if centos repo has new updates (or
> no updates) for your system.
> then set enabled=1 in those section/channel which you need for
> the app/lib (pk-set-3) which you wanted.
> then run do "yum check-update". ... It will show list of app/lib
> which will be updated if you were to run "yum update" or "yum
> upgrade".
> Also see other helpful yum commands.
> Since these yum commands will show app/lib name and which repo
> has it, observe carefully and make a hand-written list first (or
> write on a text file on the client computer from where you're
> connecting to your centos server which you are trying to
> configure), a list, apps/libs which you need to exclude from
> which repo.
> Other helpful YUM COMMANDS:
> yum list updates '*' --disableplugin=filter-data,priorities 
> --disableexcludes=all
> ... should show what updates will be in queue if all "excludes"
> are ignored.
> yum list all available 'pkg-name*' 
> --disableplugin=filter-data,priorities --disableexcludes=all
> ... should show which of your repos has any package that are
> close to the name "pkg-name" and will also show their version #
> and what repo has it.
> Anytime you change any "somename.repo" file, then its better to
> do first: yum check-update (but do not update, unless you are
> sure which app is coming from which exact repo and if that is
> what you want or not).
> Please ADD/POST MORE/YOUR HELPFUL COMMANDS, and tell us what it
> does, where useful.
> Since source/SRPMS is/are needed when you/i need to make src.rpm,
> so distro & repo closest to CentOS gets higher priority, usually
> that is in reverse order than the RPM/binaries.
> Please correct my mistakes and add your responses, ideas, 
> suggestions, logics, patterns, etc.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- Bright Star.
> Received from Johnny Hughes,, on 2013-01-28 12:50 AM:
>> On 01/27/2013 06:20 PM, Rob Kampen wrote:
>>> On 01/28/2013 04:43 AM, Mark LaPierre wrote:
>>>> On 01/27/2013 08:18 AM, Bry8 Star wrote:
>>>>> Hi Anthony, it would be really great, to see various
>>>>> types of repo-configs on centos wiki, now if few
>>>>> helpful& experienced users can grab this idea and come
>>>>> forward and share their repo config (and their case/usage
>>>>> scenario along with that), then that would be great.
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>> (Sorry for spelling&   grammar mistakes in previous and
>>>>> in this posting, pls kindly disregard, its not a grammar 
>>>>> discussion thread).
>>>>> -- Bry8Star.
>>>>> Received from Anthony K, on 2013-01-27 2:48 AM:
>>>>>> On 26/01/13 14:59, Bry8 Star wrote:
>>>>>>> CentOS webpage/site should also show to all users,
>>>>>>> some example of using multiple repos and how to
>>>>>>> implement effective includepkgs, exclude, priority
>>>>>>> etc directives properly for some certain last&
>>>>>>> STABLE app(s) (which is by default not in CentOS), so
>>>>>>> that others can understand the pattern, or have a
>>>>>>> pointer for them. Just mentioning about, that, there
>>>>>>> is such things called "includepkgs=...",
>>>>>>> "exclude=..." ad now go do it yourself (and sorry no
>>>>>>> example), obviously does not help that much to users,
>>>>>>> and its CentOS's loss as well, users go away to other
>>>>>>> distros, and ultimately many of them are lost in the
>>>>>>> jungle. -- Bright Star (Bry8Star).
>>>>>> But you appear to be missing the "C" part in CentOS
>>>>>> (or Community Enterprise OS).  If you can contribute to
>>>>>> the Wiki, then the immediate problem is solved in that
>>>>>> such threads can be pointed to the Wiki and slows the
>>>>>> growth of my CentOS list folder!
>>>>>> Frankly, if you have a good point to make that would 
>>>>>> benefit the masses and you have spare time, then it's 
>>>>>> best to create a Wiki page for it.
>>>>>> Cheers, ak.
>>>> There is already a fine page on this subject on the wiki.
>>> The point being made is that various people have the
>>> knowledge and experience to advise a startup setting for
>>> priority= for each repo I know that what I'm using has caused
>>> conflicts that have been quite time consuming to resolve -
>>> what works for others would be most helpful I do recognise
>>> that this will vary depending upon what tools are required
>>> but as a start: 1. developer workstation - what repos and
>>> what priority 2. LAMP server - probably just CentOS repos and
>>> something which deals with later php / perl / ruby 3. web /
>>> internet workstation - needs audio and video stuff working
>>> just my thoughts for starters.
>> That totally depends on what you need to install and what repo
>> it is in.  Since 3rd party repos are constantly adding new
>> packages that they did not have last week, it is impossible to
>> say what would be the proper priorities.
>> I already posted what I personally do, which is:
>> Install CentOS and set Base, updates, extras, and fasttrack to
>> a Priority=1
>> I usually do not need to enable centosplus, but if I do, I set
>> it to Priority=2 and I put "excludes=<pkg_names>" in the
>> Priority=1 repos for the packages I want let CentOS plus
>> replace in those repos.
>> I then normally add EPEL and set the Priority=10 for that.
>> Hopefully, that is all I need to add.
>> If I have to add any more repositories, first make sure my 
>> packages are currently all updated by doing a yum upgrade.
>> Then I add the new repos one at a time and I make them
>> Priority=10 (the same as EPEL) ... and after I add them , i do
>> a "yum update".  If it tries to update, I look at the packages
>> and decide if I am going to allow the update or not ... if I am
>> ok to do the updates, then I do them and make sure it works.
>> Then I would install the packages I need from that repo.  Then
>> I would add the next new repo till I get to the end.
>> The best scenario is that all your 3rd party repos can
>> co-exist at the same Priority setting and that is where I start
>> (at Priority=10) ... and if something does not work, I
>> troubleshoot it and take individual action.
>> Each individual machine is going to require a unique and
>> separate group of settings based on what you want to install
>> ... which is why there is no official recommendations.
>> I personally am using the following repos right now on my main 
>> Desktop, which is CentOS-6.3:
>> adobe-linux-x86_64 |  951 B     00:00 base | 3.7 kB     00:00
>> cr | 3.0 kB     00:00 elrepo | 1.9 kB     00:00 elrepo-extras |
>> 1.9 kB     00:00 extras | 3.5 kB     00:00 fasttrack | 3.5 kB
>> 00:00 google-chrome |  951 B     00:00 google-musicmanager |
>> 951 B     00:00 livna | 1.3 kB     00:00 nux-dextop | 2.7 kB
>> 00:00 rpmforge | 1.9 kB     00:00 updates | 3.5 kB     00:00
>> All of the secondary repos are set to the same priorities and 
>> everything seems to work.
>> Right now I have an "exclude=wxGtk*" for rpmforge for some 
>> reason. And an "exclude=nx freenx*" for Nux! repo.
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