Le 13 févr. 2013 à 16:29, Jussi Hirvi a écrit :

> Check that you have something like this in the Apache conf for that 
> directory:
> <Directory "/var/www/sample.com/my-protected-folder">
>    AllowOverride All
> </Directory>
> Override there means that .htpasswd file can override the main Apache conf.
> It does not really need to be "AllowOverride All", only some options are 
> needed. But if you have "AllowOverride None", then .htpassword will have 
> no effect at all.

Thanks it worked ! I have this now in the webalizer.conf in /etc/http/conf.d/

# This configuration file maps the webalizer log analysis
# results (generated daily) into the URL space.  By default
# these results are only accessible from the local host.
Alias /usage /var/www/usage

<Location /usage>
    Order deny,allow
#    Deny from all
    Allow from
    Allow from ::1
    # Allow from .example.com
    AllowOverride All

And without password I can't access to the webalizer page :)

Thanks a lot

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