On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Over on the bind-us...@lists.isc.org list, I am in a discussion about
building the named.zone file, as Centos 6.3 does not provide it.  It
DOES provide a named.ca which is already old (wrt AAAA records) compared
to the named.zone provided by internic.

A few contributors have stated that now the hints are built into bind
and you can see this with:

strings /usr/local/sbin/named | grep A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET

Well it looks like Centos has it at /usr/sbin/named and there are no
such strings in there.  Oh, these hints come from "lib/dns/rootns.c in
the source code tree".

So are the hints built in here?

See /var/named/named.ca (also visible in /var/named/chroot/var/named).

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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