On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:59 AM, aurfalien <aurfal...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Has any one had problems with mail clients were your DNS is like this;
>>> doman.com    MX      50 mail.domain.com
>>> domain.com   MX      100     mail2.domain.com
>>> domain.com   CNAME   www.domain.com
>> The short answer is you can't do that and expect it to work because you 
>> can't mix CNAME and other types of records for a hostname. It is simply an 
>> invalid configuration at a DNS level.
>> Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNAME_record#Restrictions
>> --
>> Benjamin Franz
> Forgot, i did allow this for a few weeks and mail broke as well as the wild 
> card SSL ceasing to work as it has;
> *.domain.com
> domain.com
> At any rate, I will insist that mixing MX/CNAME will not be possible but 
> wanted to see if I missed something.
> Hence this seemingly basic posting t the list.

I think the only clean approach is to give domain.com an A record
pointing to something that can run a web server that does a client
redirect to www.domain.com.   And even then https will show an invalid
cert before the redirect unless you have one specifically for

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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