On 2/28/2013 9:12 AM, Rock wrote:
> $ traceroutewww.centos.org  
> ... early hops removed ...
> 16  ae-6-6.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  211.850 ms 
> ae-3-3.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  205.221 ms
> ...

thats a rather high hop count to get that far.  I see...

$ traceroute www.centos.org
traceroute to www.centos.org (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
  1  ge-0-0-1-414.er2.sjc1.got.net (  0.511 ms  0.440 
ms  0.462 ms
  2  ge-0-0-1-10.cr1.scz1.got.net (  3.961 ms  3.956 ms  
4.193 ms
  3  ge-1-3-0-745.cr1.sfo1.got.net (  7.796 ms  7.784 
ms  7.765 ms
  4  vlan114.car2.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net (  28.162 ms 
28.165 ms  29.320 ms
  5  ae-2-4.bar2.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net (  8.636 ms 8.621 
ms  8.594 ms
  6  ae-6-6.ebr2.SanJose1.Level3.net (  50.823 ms 50.664 
ms  50.917 ms
  7  ae-2-2.ebr2.SanJose5.Level3.net (  50.709 ms 50.545 
ms  50.533 ms
  8  ae-6-6.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  50.560 ms 50.566 
ms  50.543 ms
  9  ae-3-3.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.524 ms  50.418 ms  
50.407 ms
10  ae-93-93.csw4.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.373 ms 50.310 ms 
ae-63-63.csw1.Dallas1.Level3.net (  56.827 ms
11  ae-4-90.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.268 ms 
ae-1-60.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.282 ms 
ae-2-70.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.335 ms
12  LAYERED-TEC.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  50.386 ms 52.124 
ms  51.458 ms
13  www.centos.org (  51.202 ms !X  51.118 ms !X 51.113 ms !X

which is only 8 hops to that same LosAngeles1 gateway.

anyways, I never have any problems seeing it, so my guess is, your 
problem is in the first 15 hops you didn't show.

btw, the traceroute worked from my host using both -I and -T (icmp and 
tcp respectively) traces.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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