Put this in a zone file:
netcloudjob.com. IN A

Just after a MX line
10 mar 2013 14:51, "Austin Einter" <austin.ein...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):

> My registrar is Godad.com, looks they have registered nameservers
> ns1.netcloudjobs.com and ns2.netcloudjobs.com
> Now I am able to resolve to ns1.netcloudjobs.com
> I have only 1 IP address that x.x.x.43 , so I can not use x.x.x.44
> >From my dedicated server, if I ping to www.netcloudjobs.com , it says
> *[root@ip-173-201-189-43 named]# ping www.netcloudjobs.com
> PING www.netcloudjobs.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> ^C
> --- www.netcloudjobs.com ping statistics ---
> 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2217ms*
> But if ping to netcloudjobs.com, it says
> [root@ip-173-201-189-43 named]#
> *[root@ip-173-201-189-43 named]# ping netcloudjobs.com
> ping: unknown host netcloudjobs.com
> [root@ip-173-201-189-43 named]#
> *
> My corresponding zone file looks as below
> *
> *
> *[root@ip-173-201-189-43 named]# vi netcloudjobs.com.fwd
> $TTL 86400
> @       IN      SOA     ns1.netcloudjobs.com.     root.netcloudjobs.com. (
>         2041071002  ;Serial
>         3600        ;Refresh
>         1800        ;Retry
>         604800      ;Expire
>         86400       ;Minimum TTL
> )
> @       IN      NS      ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> @       IN      NS      ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> @       IN      MX   0  mail.netcloudjobs.com.
> ns1     IN      A
> ns2     IN      A
> www     IN      A
> mail    IN      A
> ~
> *
>  Can somebody kindly tell me what I need to do so that, from my dedicated
> server I can ping to netcloudjobs.com
> Best regards
> Austin
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Robert Moskowitz <r...@htt-consult.com
> >wrote:
> >
> > On 03/10/2013 07:57 AM, Austin Einter wrote:
> >
> >> Dear All
> >> I have a CentOS 6.3 machine. I am trying to setup DNS BIND setup in that
> >> machine. It is having a static global IP. I have done lot of reading ,
> >> google search and tried all possible option, but still not able to
> resolve
> >> the issue.
> >>
> >> My named.conf looks as below.
> >>
> >> *
> >> *
> >>
> >> *
> >> // named.conf
> >> //
> >> // Provided by Red Hat bind package to configure the ISC BIND named(8)
> >> // server as a caching only nameserver (as a localhost DNS resolver
> only).
> >> //
> >> // See /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration
> files.
> >> //
> >>
> >> options {
> >>          listen-on port 53 {;; };
> >>          listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
> >>          directory       "/var/named";
> >>          dump-file       "/var/named/data/cache_dump.**db";
> >>          query-source address * port 53;
> >>          statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.**txt";
> >>          memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_**stats.txt";
> >>          allow-query     { localhost;;; };
> >>          recursion yes;
> >>          dnssec-enable yes;
> >>          dnssec-validation yes;
> >>          dnssec-lookaside auto;
> >>
> >>          /* Path to ISC DLV key */
> >>          bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";
> >>
> >>          managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";
> >> };
> >>
> >> logging {
> >>          channel default_debug {
> >>                  file "data/named.run";
> >>                  severity dynamic;
> >>          };
> >> };
> >>
> >> zone "." IN {
> >>          type hint;
> >>          file "named.ca";
> >> };zone "netcloudjobs.com" {
> >>          type master;
> >>          file "netcloudjobs.com.fwd";
> >>          allow-update { none; };
> >> };
> >>
> >
> > Who is your registrar for netcloudjobs.com and have they listed your two
> > servers and their IP addresses?
> >
> >
> >  zone "189.201.173.in-addr.arpa"  {
> >>          type master;
> >>          file "netcloudjobs.com.rev";
> >>          allow-update { none; };
> >> };
> >>
> >> include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
> >> include "/etc/named.root.key";
> >> *
> >> Next my forward zone file looks as below
> >> *
> >> $TTL 86400
> >> @       IN      SOA     ns1.netcloudjobs.com.     root.netcloudjobs.com
> .
> >> (
> >>          2021071001  ;Serial
> >>          3600        ;Refresh
> >>          1800        ;Retry
> >>          604800      ;Expire
> >>          86400       ;Minimum TTL
> >> )
> >>
> >> @       IN      NS      ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> >> @       IN      NS      ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> >>
> >> ns1     IN      A
> >> ns2     IN      A
> >>
> >
> > .44?
> >
> >  *
> >> And my reverse zone file looks as
> >>
> >>
> >> *$TTL 86400
> >>
> >> @  IN     SOA     ns1.netcloudjobs.com.     root.netcloudjobs.com. (
> >>          2021071001  ;Serial
> >>          3600        ;Refresh
> >>          1800        ;Retry
> >>          604800      ;Expire
> >>          86400       ;Minimum TTL
> >> )
> >>
> >> @       IN      NS      ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> >> @       IN      NS      ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> >> ns1     IN  A
> >> ns2     IN  A
> >>
> >
> > .44?
> >
> >
> >  43      IN      PTR     ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> >> 44      IN      PTR     ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> >> *
> >> I hope I am doing something wrong with configuration. I have done this
> >> since more than 60 hours. Still I am not able to resolve
> >> ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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