Am 11.03.2013 03:54, schrieb Austin Einter:
> I am planning to setup mail server for my domain.
> Which one is preferred postfix or sendmail.

Choose the one your most familiar with.
If you aren't familiar with either, find someone who is.
Setting up a mail server in today's hostile Internet is not a task to be
taken lightly.

> I came across a link *
> * for postfix mail setup.

That page does not give good advice.
Surely there must be better resources than that?

> It says,
> Prerequisites:
>    - The mail server should contain a valid MX record in the DNS server.

Strange wording, but I guess they mean the right thing:
your DNS zone should contain an MX RR pointing to the mail server,
but only *after* your mail server is up and running.

>    Navigate to this link how to setup DNS
> server<>

That page contains the blatant DNS configuration errors we sorted
out in your other thread. Don't use it. While we're at it, consider
not setting up your own nameserver at all but using your registrar's
nameservice instead. It may save you some hassle.

>    - Firewall and SELinux should be disabled.

Bad advice.

> I have disabled iptables as my m/c is behind the firewall.
> It says I need to disable firewall. Is it really required. Kindly let me
> know.

No, you don't need to, and you shouldn't.


Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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