On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:27 AM, James B. Byrne <byrn...@harte-lyne.ca> wrote:
> The main benefit to using Postfix over Sendmail is that Postfix
> definitely places a lower intellectual load on its administrators.
> For that reason alone I would recommend it over Sendmail. While M4
> macros take most of the arcana out of Sendmail's configuration files
> they are no where near as easy to understand as Postfix's simple
> config files.

On the other hand, if you do 'normal' things with sendmail, all you
have to do is tweak a few values in the provided sendmail.mc and
restart to rebuild the configs, and if you do anything unusual you can
drop in MimeDefang as a milter and gain complete control of all of the
internal steps in a small snippet of perl.  Personally, I think the
introduction of the milter interface years ago fixed all of the old
issues with sendmail.  I think postfix can use MimeDefang these days
too, but it took it much longer to make it usable.

   Les Mikesell
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