On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Ned Slider <n...@unixmail.co.uk> wrote:
> Mark - as a general word of advise, next time you have an issue, rather
> than ranting because something isn't working as you expect and calling
> people stupid, perhaps you could try describing the problem you are
> experiencing in a rational manor and provide supporting information. It
> seems you had already decided it was someone else's fault and were more
> interested in blaming others than examining your own issues.

This is a generic issue that deserves at least some ranting, although
not particularly at you.  As long as the distro requires the use of a
repository that  by policy excludes things that almost everyone needs
we are pretty much forced to use 3rd party repositories that almost by
definition are uncoordinated in a way that makes their interaction
unpredictable and any defensive configuration measures likely to fail.
  I don't see any possibility of changing this, so what else is there
to do but rant?

   Les Mikesell
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