Benjamin Donnachie wrote:
> On 26 Mar 2013, at 22:13, wrote:
>> As a friend said once, "yo mama dresses you funny, and you need a mouse
>> to delete files"
> Wow!  Hardly a friendly introduction for a newbie to Linux.  Attitudes
> like this ensure users go scurrying back to Windows.
> As my mother used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't
> say anything".
I wasn't going to waste another word on this thread, but I will respond to
this: did you read the comments on other threads? Specifically, expecting
a cheery overwhelming response, from people who are doing this while
they're at work, many working as admins (as I am, right now), without
showing any evidence of having read man pages, read stuff, and googled on
solving the problem, but treating us like paid support ain't gonna cut it.

Had you, for example, searched to find out a) how to look at a file, b)
looked at the files I suggested you look at, or c) showed you'd done
ANYTHING other than read my response and go, "duh, what's that mean?", I'd
have been willing to work with you.

And "don't say anything"? Sorry, but if you don't *tell* someone what
they're doing wrong, they'll never change.


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