yes it doesn't!
i have never work with strace. Any suggestions?

thank you

On 10/4/2013 2:10 μμ, Banyan He wrote:
> This doesn't look enough for tracking. How about strace? Did you find
> anything interesting?
> ------------
> Banyan He
> Blog:
> Email:
> On 4/10/2013 6:52 PM, Nikos Gatsis - Qbit wrote:
>> debug:
>> fail2ban.server : INFO   Changed logging target to
>> /var/log/fail2ban.log for Fail2ban v0.8.7
>> fail2ban.comm   : DEBUG  Command: ['add', 'sasl-iptables', 'polling']
>> fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Creating new jail 'sasl-iptables'
>> fail2ban.comm   : WARNING Invalid command: ['add', 'sasl-iptables',
>> 'polling']
>> fail2ba-server starts, but dont add rures in iptables.
>> Thank you
>> On 10/4/2013 1:31 μμ, Banyan He wrote:
>>> Try strace to follow all fork/exec to see which command is invalid.
>>> Or, debug log?
>>> ------------
>>> Banyan He
>>> Blog:
>>> Email:
>>> On 4/10/2013 6:06 PM, Nikos Gatsis - Qbit wrote:
>>>> Hello list
>>>> I'm trying to setup fail2ban specially sasl action but I'm facing
>>>> problems.
>>>> I have centos-release-5-9.el5.centos.1
>>>> and
>>>> fail2ban-
>>>> installed
>>>> with selinux disabled
>>>> The errors I get are:
>>>> INFO   Creating new jail 'sasl-iptables'
>>>> fail2ban.comm   : WARNING Invalid command: ['add', 'sasl-iptables',
>>>> 'polling']
>>>> I tried gemin against polling but I get the same error.
>>>> The strange thing is that if I enable ssh action, starts with no
>>>> problem.
>>>> So it appears to be problem with sasl action, witch is:
>>>> [sasl-iptables]
>>>> enabled  = true
>>>> filter   = sasl
>>>> backend  = polling
>>>> action   = iptables-multiport[name=sasl,
>>>> port="imap,imaps,pop3,pop3s,smtp", protocol=tcp]
>>>>             sendmail-whois[name=sasl, dest=my@email]
>>>> logpath  = /var/log/maillog
>>>> The same setup I have in several mailserver (fedora and centos 6
>>>> distro)
>>>> and all work fine.
>>>> Does someone faced the same problem?
>>>> Thak you in advance.
>> -- 
>> Untitled Document
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *Γατσής Νίκος - Gatsis Nikos*
>> Web developer
>> tel.: 2108256721 - 2108256722
>> fax: 2108256712
>> email:

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*Γατσής Νίκος - Gatsis Nikos*
Web developer
tel.: 2108256721 - 2108256722
fax: 2108256712
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