Also make sure installed all KDE stuff...

yum groupinstall -y base-x kde-desktop

Then, make sure in your /etc/sysconfig/desktop you have this:


That's all I am doing and KDE runs great for me on CentOS 5.x and/or 6.x



On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, Michel Donais wrote:

> On the login screen there was no place as in 5.9 or older to make a choice
> of desktop environment.
> I changed
> and it has no effect; GNOME hang on there.
> So because of a lot of flaws in my installation and of lack of time I decide
> to go back to 5.9 and get a look later for a 6.4 installation.
> ---
> Michel Donais
> ----- Original > Michel, are you trying to change your window manager (gdm
> vs kdm) or
>> your desktop (gnome vs kde)?
>> If you are trying to change your desktop, then Craig's suggestion would
>> work, though keep in mind that the "session" section of the gdm window
>> manager is on the password screen, i.e. you enter your username and then
>> you have the option to change your desktop on the next screen. Like Mark
>> said, they don't make it easy, meh!
>> If you are trying to change the window manager itself, as in have kdm
>> handle the login screen rather than gdm, then you would need to create
>> the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop and put these two lines in that file:
>> then reboot the machine and it should come back up with the kdm console
>> screen (and the system default desktop set to kde). Keep in mind that
>> you may need to explicitly install the yum group KDE-Desktop in order to
>> set the window manager to kdm. Depending on which type of os install you
>> did, that group doesn't get installed. For example, for my workstations
>> we generally use the install choice Software Development Workstation,
>> and we need to do a yum-install of the group after the os installation
>> is finished (since we don't bother with the customization stuff until
>> post-install).
>> Hope this helps!
>> Miranda
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