On Fri, 21 Jun 2013 01:14:16 +0000, Rock wrote:

> Can you please be so nice and report this ideas on Pinta's idea web page:

For the record, I did post this screenshot summary to the Pinta Developers 

--- < warning > .... long ... slightly off topic < / warning > ... ... ---
Hi IgorZ,
Thanks for responding to our request.
I'll update the Centos.org forum with your additional information.
As Paint.NET is probably the best freeware screenshot editor on Windows, it 
would be useful for these features to be in an RPM installation form.
I will gladly comply with your request for more information as screenshot 
editing is a common set of tasks, which pan does some of the best in the world!
I'm on CentOS at the moment, so I will provide the Paint.NET screenshot 
examples separately.

In addition to arrows, which Paint.NET does better than any freeware program on 
the planet, or texting (which Paint.NET does nicely without the need for 
setting a pre-defined bounding box), one needs the following 10 activities to 
be as efficient as possible:
Screenshot editing:
1. The users snaps a screenshot (various methods exist so I'll simply show what 
I currently use on CentOS):
Note:  I use the gnome-screenshot tool on CentOS; on Windows, I use the 
Print-Screen button and then I paste into and crop in IrfanView because nothing 
is better than IrfanView for cropping as described further below).

2. Depending on the screenshot capture utility, a separate step may exist to 
select the three types of screenshots, and to capture to a file:
Note: It's VERY helpful if "mistakes" can be rectified in a single click. For 
example, say the default is yellow for text but that it doesn't look good once 
I start typing; it's helpful if the color change is as simply as clicking on 
another color without having to switch out of texting mode. In the case of 
Kolourpaint, which is what I'm using on Linux for these screenshots, it's 
trivially easy. Paint.NET is "not" so easy mainly because I close the rather 
large and obnoxious rainbow window most of the time; so I have to bring it back 

3. Open that screenshot in your favorite editor program (the fastest program on 
Windows for this is IrfanView but I'll be using Kolourpaint on Linux for this):
Note: I control-V paste into IrfanView because Paint.NET cropping isn't as 
intuitively easy or as few steps as IrfanView's click-sweep-click cropping.
Note: Saving to a file should be intuitive! That means it should select a file 
name like Gnome-Screenshot does, and then it should append a number to the file 
name if that file name already exists. This saves the user mouseclicks. It's 
helpful if the file naming is intelligent (as Gnome-screenshot is, which will 
name the file based on the type of screenshot and the window opened); but the 
most important feature is to make file naming easy and intuitive in the fewest 
clicks possible - and of course, it should default to the same directory after 
one has been chosen!

4. Cropping should be as simple as click->sweep->click (it's helpful if 
cropping is settable as the default starting mode)
Note: Most programs, including Paint.NET enforce an additional (unnecessary) 
4th cropping step (see IrfanView cropping for the canonical method).

5.  Moving things around should be as simple as click->sweep->click->grab and 
let go.
Note: Most programs, including Paint.NET enforce an additional (unnecessary) 
move step (see Kolourpaint moving for the canonical method).
Note: It's nice if the move also has the option of transparency, which 
KolourPaint has so that you can "see partially through" a moved object when 

6. Cutting things out, and repairing the damage also must be easy to perform, 
as KolourPaint is:
Cutting out should be click-click-cut and repairing "can" be via the eye 
dropper + paint can (which should switch instantly since that's what you're 
always doing).
The easiest way to fill in damage is to select an adjacent area and simply 
stretch it (as Kolourpaint does nicely):

7. Of course, texting should be intuitive, and Paint.NET has that one solid.
You simply type. No need to draw a bounding box. If you make a mistake, you 
merely correct it directly.
There is no additional text-editing window like The GIMP or Shutter has.

8. A nice feature is being able to stretch the canvas which KolourPaint does 
intuitively (for the right side & bottom anyway).
You just grab the stretch dot and drag it to where you want it to go.
Note: I never could understand Paint.NET's canvas stretching mechanism.

9. Then, pasting an additional file into that stretched canvas is easy with the 
"Edit->Paste from File" command:
Note: You can turn similar colors on such that the pasted or moved image is 
"see through".

10. At this point, you need to resize the image easily, which should have 
standard options, e.g., 640x480 pixels:

In summary, for screen editing, nobody beats Paint.NET for its arrowing 
capabilities or texting abiltity; but some beat Paint.NET on the following:
a. SCREENSHOT: Gnome-Screenshot for intuitive screen capture and saving the 
file (Paint.NET doesn't have this feature, AFAIK)
b. FILE->OPEN: IrfanView for sheer speed of opening the file (much faster than 
c. EDIT->CROP: IrfanView for the intuitive crop (one fewer step than Paint.NET)
d. MOVE: KolourPaint for intuitive move (one fewer step than Paint.NET)
e. CUT & REPAIR: KolourPaint (two fewer steps than Paint.NET)
f. GROWING THE CANVAS: KolourPaint does this nicely simply by selecting the 
edge dots and stretching them.
g. PASTE FROM FILE: KolourPaint has a nice paste-from-file but I'd prefer the 
canvass to grow automatically according to the new dimensions of the old & new 

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