On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 07:50:34PM +1200, Rob Kampen wrote:
> So then I go to log in and get "POWER FAILURE" followed by
> "Authentication failure" - this is on the console
> via SSH I just get "POWER FAILURE" and the ssh connection drops.

Sounds like /etc/nologin; contents of which are displayed immediately
before the login session terminates.  Configured within apcupsd.conf
with a configuration setting of NOLOGINDIR pointing to /etc by default;
I don't believe it can be disabled, however.

> So I guess the, log everyone out and stop further logins instruction
> is still lurking around somewhere.
> How do I regain control of my server??

Remove /etc/nologin.

> Does this mean I need to boot with a rescue disk and edit some file
> somewhere??

"ssh root@host rm -f /etc/nologin" will remove it.

> How do I prevent this re-occurring, after a perfect shutdown and
> restart, only to get stymied here.

apcupsd should be handling this automatically when mains power is
restored.  Perhaps check the package documentation / project bugtracker.

Do not train [children] to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to
it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with
accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.

-- Plato (c 427 BC - 347 BC), Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher
   of Aristotle, founder of the Academy of Athens, in The Republic,
   Book VII, section 16

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