On Mon, 7 Oct 2013 22:37:31 +0000
Gary Greene wrote:

> Being a mail administrator for both work, and a couple of other sites, the
> only concern I would have with this is that you need to be fairly careful
> that the outgoing is routing out a machine that is authorized to send mail
> for these domains, otherwise, you'll be looking at a lot of providers
> blocking your messages as being potential spam fodder and subsequently
> blacklisting you or the domains in question.

That's why I'm planning to send all outbound email back to my main desktop
computer and use the method described at
http://tekman.livejournal.com/83609.html.  I'm thinking that this method should
make any outbound email sent from my phone both look like it came from my
desktop computer, and insure that it gets sent to the appropriate mailserver
as specified in my From: field.

Right now I have each account set up in my Sylpheed mail client, so when
I want to send an email from m...@example.com, I just select that from the list
of available accounts, type my email and hit Send, whereupon the email goes out
to the example.com mailserver and is handled from there.  I'm thinking that the
method described above will allow me to be able to do that from my phone:
Select an outbound account, type email, hit send.  The email goes to my desktop
computer which looks at the From: field, decides on the appropriate mailserver
based on that, and send the email.  Just like it had originated on my desktop
computer as it does now.

At least, that's my theory.  Do you see any holes in that scheme that I'm

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