I have two CentOS-6.4 servers, in different places.
I am running postfix/amavis on one, and sendmail/procmail on the other.
I don't recall having any difficulty setting up sendmail many years ago
using sendmail.mc .
But I found postfix very complicated to setup last year.
(It's working fine now.)

I recall that when I asked for advice
one person advised me to read 2 books on postfix,
and another advised me to pay someone to set it up.

I asked why postfix was preferable, but didn't any convincing reply.
The general response was along the lines that it was the "modern" way.

Having looked into postfix/amavis a little further,
it seems to me to involve excessively complicated processes
(at least for a simple home server)
with email going along spaghetti-like routes.

Am I alone in this view?

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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