On Tue, 12 Nov 2013, Keith wrote:

> On 12/11/13 10:46, Max Pyziur wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Apologies for my seeming daft naivete.


> I always install from the latest tarball from the WP site, as it's the
> latest at the time of installation. With regards to WP updates and
> versions, this is generally performed with it's own built in
> updating/upgrading mechanism which is the first thing you should check
> or do after install and on an ongoing basis - IMHO anyway.

Makes sense.

So what are the point of having RPMs if you can't apply it server-wide 
across multiple sites?


> I've not tried the repo's or rpms, but i'm guessing if you install from
> them, the same process applies for updates with WP i.e. it's done from
> the WP web console and you would definitely want to check that after an
> install from those sources as they would be a bit behind.
> Cheers
> Keith
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