On 14/12/13 14:14, Leon Fauster wrote:
> Am 25.11.2013 um 16:22 schrieb Wes James <compte...@gmail.com>:
>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Philip Manuel <p...@zomojo.com> wrote:
>>> From: "Wes James" <compte...@gmail.com>
>>>> I've been trying several combinations of OSX, CentOS to try and get CentOS
>>>> installed on an old iMac. I finally first installed OS X, then installed
>>>> CentOS in the open space after OS X. With refit installed and selecting
>>>> CentOS, it starts booting but get a screen that a boot device can't e
>>>> found. So I then install Xubuntu with the option to replace OS X.  After
>>>> Xbuntu is installed and then do a reboot the grub screen comes up and I can
>>>> now select CentOS and it will boot.
>>>> Can someone explain why this is?  I can't just install CentOS on the whole
>>>> disk, as I get the blinking mac disk with question mark.
>>> this is due I believe due to the partitioning scheme of the iMac, using
>>> GPT, and as grub does not support GPT partitions. you have to use grub2.
>>> Hence, why xubuntu works.
>> Oh.  OK.  I didn't realize CentOS wasn't using grub2.  Are there any plans
>> for CentOS to move to grub2?
> there exist a so called "Hybrid GPT/MBR partition table support" in "OSX -> 
> cli tool diskutil"
> that leads to the so called "BIOS compatibility" for booting. 
> rEFIt includes "Partition Inspector (native osx app)" that shows your GPT -> 
> MBR sync status.
> refit can do that "sync" also (in there prompt).
> I could boot CentOS5 on a Intel Macbook two years ago (with grub1). 
> Alternative - compile Grub2 under OSX, install it under OSX, configure it to 
> boot both (osx/linux), boot it.
> Suggestion - use Grub2/EFI not because of the partition format but for better 
> hw initialisation. 
> The BIOS compatibility mode (grub1/BIOS) is not doing his job correctly (e.g. 
> ATI GFX Card support etc.).
> --
> LF

I've installed CentOS 6.x on an iMac Core2Duo in the past :
http://arrfab.net/blog/?p=315 (basically involving having rEfit

Fabian Arrotin
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
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