Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 4:04 PM,  <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:
>>>>> Are you saying it worked right in 5.x?  If that's the case, why not
>>>>> wait until 2017 for something else?
>>>> Because it has to work, perfectly, right now and every day,
>>>> 24x7x365.25. Turning it down is not an option.
>>> Did it do that under 5.x, or did you ever have it in production?
>> It's worked for years. I don't think we had any problems on some of the
>> same servers under 5.x. With 6, we had some problems with half or more
>> of the screen being green. I just had it happen again, a few weeks ago;
>> workaround was to go from 640x480 to 320x240. That's the one that's
>> started complaining about buffer overflow, though the videos are fine.
> The price is still right for CentOS 5.x...  Why not reinstall and
> ignore it for another 3 years?  Even if RH backports the breakage to
> the older driver you could probably keep using an older module.

We're trying to get rid of all 5.x servers, either by upgrade, or
surplusing the hardware. We could, I suppose, set up some ancient boxes;
of course, they'd have to be on ups's (the power blips every bloody day in
this building, usually early morning), and it's a waste to run a rackmount
server for just that... and there'd have to be one in each room.

And my manager feels, I guess, that he has the budget, if we can find
something in our price range.

       mark "call your Congressman and/or Senators and tell them to spend
more money in the civilian sector
                  of the government"

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