On 2/5/2014 11:45 AM, Joseph Spenner wrote:
>    Have you seen Zoneminder run?  It's a complete solution, with a web 
> interface and historical information for everything it saw.  It connects to 
> the cameras, grabs their images (presented as JPG files), stores a time range 
> of them, and determines if there was a 'change'.  If so, it goes back a few 
> images, and begins a 'movie' of the images leading up to the event, and 
> through the event itself.   When viewing these events, you have the option to 
> save them as AVI, MPG, MOV, WMV, SFW.  Those video files are them available 
> to download.
> The footprint isn't that big.   My installation (VM) is currently using about 
> 2G of space.

the security camera I'm using for fun at home streams everything as TS 
(mpeg4 transport stream) at a configurable 10-30fps. it only saves 
segments with motion in them, including user configurable seconds 
before/after any motion event.

doing that with JPG's would be brutal.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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