Hi James, 

you seem to be running an open DNS resolver, is that correct? And if so, do you 
do it intentionally?

I just received an US-CERT alert today that warns about ongoing amplification 
attacks, among others against DNS, but also against some other UDP based 


From the symptoms you describe I'd say that your DNS server is being used in 
such an attack. 

> I also see a chroot directory, but if I grep for named it doesn't appear 
> to be using the chroot(?):
> # ps aux | grep named
> named     3497  0.4  0.7 170088 15836 ?        Ssl  23:02   0:02 
> /usr/sbin/named -u named
> root      3763  0.0  0.0  61192   764 pts/1    S+   23:13   0:00 grep named

Do you have the bind-chroot package installed?

Best regards, 


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