Ted Ts'o <tytso <at> mit.edu> writes:

> Right, sorry, I missed that.  And just to be clear this wasn't an -rc
> kernel but 3.0 final, right?

> Hmm, looking through recent commits which will shortly be merged into
> 3.1, this one leaps out, but I'm not sure it's the cause --- how full
> was your disk at the end of this exercise?
root@osd0:~# df -h /osd.0/
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1             3.6T  1.3T  2.2T  37% /osd.0

> I haven't looked at Ceph in quite a while.  As I recall it was
> primarily doing Direct I/O writes, correct?  Or does it use buffered
> I/O?  And does it use the new "punch" ioctl to release blocks from the
> middle of a file?  Ext4 added punch support in 3.0, and there are some
> bug fixes that are going into 3.1, but I don't think there were any
> that would lead to the failure mode you are seeing.

Ted, I'm sorry, I'm not a developer. I can not answer these questions, but I can try build 3.1


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