At present we are running automated nightlies to catch
problems that slip past developers or only show up on
long runs, and filing bugs when they fail ... but the
decision of whether or not we are ready to push out a
new release is not yet criterion-based.  We have to
start moving towards official release criteria.

I suggest that our initial release criteria should fall
into four categories:

  (1) functional validation

        100% passage of designated validation suites,
        with a formal process for managing the functional
        assertions to be tested (or designating specific
        assertions to be compliance-optional)
  (2) regression tests

        100% passage of designated regression suites,
        with a formal process for designating which
        bugs do and do not require the creation of
        new regression test cases.

  (3) performance

        individual and aggregate throughput measurements,
        and key-event timings will be made with controlled
        loads on specified hardware configuration, and
        compared against performance targets, and a formal
        process for defining the target metrics and requirements.

  (4) reliability and robustness

        a specified number of hours of (client perceived) error
        free operation under continuous load (with specified
        levels and characteristics), in the face of specified
        error injections ... and a formal process for defining
        the times, load characteristics, error injections, and
        acceptable performance.

Does this seem like the right general form for our release criteria? What changes would you suggest?

Once we agree on the general form of our release criteria, the next
steps are:

  (a) put some stakes in the ground for the initial requirements
      (knowing that they will evolve in scope, specificity, and

  (b) propose some processes for the review, approval, and
      evolution of those standards, and the communication of
      the (current) requirements and results to the community.

  (c) set a date for the first release to be subject to these

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