On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Tommi Virtanen
<tommi.virta...@dreamhost.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:48, Jens Rehpöhler <j...@shadow.gt.owl.de> wrote:
>> one of my test mds servers died a few days ago. (hardware crash) I will
>> not buy a new one.
>> Is there any chance to remove this laggy mds ?
> Start the mds daemon somewhere. If you don't want to fix/replace the
> hardware, well, start it somewhere else. It has no local state.
> Decreasing the number of active mdses is not currently supported.

Actually, it should work, if you have a daemon running for that MDS.
Once it's running, execute "ceph mds stop 1" and it should export
authority to the remaining MDS and shut down cleanly.
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