On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, Bernard Grymonpon wrote:
> Sage Weil <sage <at> newdream.net> writes:
> > 
> > On Wed, 7 Mar 2012, David McBride wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2012-03-06 at 13:19 -0800, Tommi Virtanen wrote:
> > > 
> > > > - scan the partitions for partition label with the prefix
> > > > "ceph-osd-data-".
> > > 
> > > Thought: I'd consider not using a numbered partition label as the
> > > primary identifier for an OSD.
> > > 
> <snip>
> > > To make handling cases like these straightforward, I suspect Ceph may
> > > want to use something functionally equivalent to an MD superblock --
> > > though in practice, with an OSD, this could simply be a file containing
> > > the appropriate meta-data.
> > > 
> > > In fact, I imagine that the OSDs could already contain the necessary
> > > fields -- a reference to their parent cluster's UUID, to ensure foreign
> > > volumes aren't mistakenly mounted; something like mdadm's event-counters
> > > to distinguish between current/historical versions of the same OSD.
> > > (Configuration epoch-count?); a UUID reference to that OSD's journal
> > > file, etc.
> > 
> > We're mostly there.  Each cluster has a uuid, and each ceph-osd instance 
> > gets a uuid when you do ceph-osd --mkfs.  That uuid is recorded in the osd 
> > data dir and in the journal, so you know that they go together.  
> > 
> > I think the 'epoch count' type stuff is sort of subsumed by all the osdmap 
> > versioning and so forth... are you imagining a duplicate/backup instance 
> > of an osd drive getting plugged in or something?  We don't guard for 
> > that, but I'm not sure offhand how we would.  :/
> > 
> > Anyway, I suspect the missing piece here is to incorporate the uuids into 
> > the path names somehow.  
> I would discourage using the disk-labels, as you might not always be able to
> set these (consider imported luns from other storage boxes, or some internal
> regulations in labeling disks...). I would trust the sysadmin to know which
> mounts go where to get everything in place (he himself can use the labels in
> his fstab or some clever bootscript), and then use the ceph-metadata to start
> only "sane" OSDs/MONs/...

The goal is to make this optional.  I.e., provide tools to use via udev 
to mount disks in good locations based on labels, but not require them if 
the sysadmin has some other idea about how it should be done.

Ideally, the start/stop scripts should be able to look in /var/lib/ceph 
and start daemons for whatever it sees there that looks sane.

> In my opinion, a OSD should be able to figure out himself if he has a "good"
> dataset to "boot" with - and it is up to the mon to either reject or accept
> this OSD as a good/valid part of the cluster, or if it needs re-syncing.

> > TV wrote: > > - FHS says human-editable configuration goes in /etc > > - FHS
> says machine-editable state goes in /var/lib/ceph > > - use
> /var/lib/ceph/mon/$id/ for mon.$id > > - use /var/lib/ceph/osd-journal/$id for
> osd.$id journal; symlink to > > actual location > > - use
> /var/lib/ceph/osd-data/$id for osd.$id data; may be a symlink to > > actual
> location? > > I wonder if these should be something like > >
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/mon/$id >
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/osd-data/$osd_uuid.$id >
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/osd-journal/$osd_uuid.$id
> The numbering of the MON/OSD's is a bit a hassle now, best would be (in my
> opinion)
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/osd/$osd_uuid/data
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/osd/$osd_uuid/journal
> /var/lib/ceph/$cluster_uuid/osd/$mon_uuid/
> Journal and data go together for the OSD - so no need to split these on a
> lower level. One can't have a OSD without both, so seems fair to put them next
> to each other...

Currently the ceph-osd it told which id to be on startup; the only real 
shift here would be to let you specify some uuids instead and have it pull 
it's rank (id) out of the .../whoami file.

Monitors have user-friendly names ('foo', `hostname`).  We could add uuids 
there too, but I'm less sure how useful that'll be.

> > so that cluster instances don't stomp on one another.  OTOH, that would 
> > imply that we should do something like
> > 
> >  /etc/ceph/$cluster_uuid/ceph.conf, keyring, etc.
> Ack, although at cluster creation, the cluster_uuid is unknown, which kind of
> gives a chicken-egg situation.

Making the mkfs process take the cluster_uuid as input is easy, although 
it makes it possible for a bad sysadmin to share a uuid across clusters.

> As I've been constructing some cookbooks to setup a default cluster, this is
> what I bumped into:
> - the numbering (0, 1, ...) of the OSDs and their need to keep the same number
>   throughout the lifetime of the cluster is a bit a hassle. Each OSD needs to
>   have a complete view of all the components of the cluster before it can
>   determine it's own ID. A random, auto-generated UUID would be nice (I
>   currently solved this by assigning each cluster a global "clustername", and
>   search the chef server for all nodes, look for the highest indexed OSDs, and
>   increment this to determine the new OSD's index - there must be a better
>   way).

The 'ceph osd create' command will handle the allocation of a new unique 
id for you.  We could supplement that with a uuid to make it a bit more 
robust (if we add the osd uuids to the osdmap... probbaly a good idea 

> - the configfile needs to be the same on all hosts - which is only partially
>   true. From my point of view, a OSD should only have some way of contacting
>   one mon, which would inform the OSD of the cluster layout. So, only the
>   mon-info should be there (together with the info for the OSD itself,
>   obviously)

It doesn't, actually; it's only need to bootstrap (to find the monitor(s) 
on startup) and to set any config values that are non-default.  The 
current start/stop script wants to see the loca instances there, but that 
can be replaced by looking for directories in /var/lib/ceph/.

> - there is a chicken-egg problem in the authentication of a osd to the mon. An
>   OSD should have permission to join the mon, for which we need to add the OSD
>   to the mon. As chef works on the node, and can't trigger stuff on other
>   nodes, the node that will hold the OSD needs some way of authenticating
>   itself to the mon (I solved this by storing the "client.admin" secret on the
>   mon-node, and then pulling this from there on the osd node, and using it to
>   register myself to the mon. It is like putting a copy of your homekey on
>   your front door...). I see no obvious solution here.

We've set up a special key that has permission to create new osds only, 
but again it's pretty bad security.  Chef's model just doesn't work well 

> - the current (debian) start/stop scripts are a hassle to work with, as chef
>   doesn't understand the third parameter (/etc/init.d/ceph start mon.0). Each
>   mon / osd / ... should have its own start/stop script.
> - there should be some way to ask a local running OSD/MON for its status,
>   without having to go through the monitor-nodes. Sort of "ceph-local-daemon
>   --uuid=xxx --type=mon status", which would inform us if it is running,
>   healthy, part of the cluster, lost in space...

Each daemon has a socket in /var/run/ceph to communicate with it; adding a 
health command would be pretty straightforward.

> - growing the cluster bit by bit would be ideal, this is how chef works (it
>   handles node per node, not a bunch of nodes in one go) 

This works now, with the exception of monitor cluster bootstrap being 

> - ideal, there would be a automatic-crushmap-expansion command which would add
>   a device to an existing crushmap (or remove one). Now, the crushmap needs to
>   be reconstructed completely, and if your numbering changes somehow, you're
>   screwed. Ideal would be "take the current crushmap and add OSD with uuid
>   xxx" - "take the current crushmap and remove OSD xxx"

You can do this now, too:

 ceph osd crush add <$osdnum> <osd.$osdnum> <weight> host=foo rack=bar [...]

The crush map has a alphanumeric name that crush ignores (at least for 
devices), although osd.$num is what we generate by default.  The 
keys/values are crush types for other levels of the hierarchy, so that you 
can specify where in the tree the new item should be placed.

The questions for me now are what we should use for default locations and 
document as best practice.

 - do we want $cluster_uuid all over the place?
 - should we allow osds to be started by $uuid instead of rank?
 - is it sufficient for init scripts to blindly start everything in 
   /var/lib/ceph, or do we need equivalent functionality to the 'auto 
   start = false' in ceph.conf (that Wido is using)?
 - is a single init script still appropriate, or do we want something 
   better?  (I'm not very familiar with the new best practices for upstart 
   or systemd for multi-instance services like this.)
 - uuids for monitors?
 - osd uuids in osdmap?

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