On 31/05/2012 17:32, Mark Nelson wrote:
ceph osd pool get<pool>  pg_num

My setup is detailed in a previous mail , But as I changed some parameters this morning, here we go :

root@chichibu:~# ceph osd pool get data pg_num
PG_NUM: 576
root@chichibu:~# ceph osd pool get rbd pg_num
PG_NUM: 576

The pg num is quite low because I started with small OSD (9 osd with 200G each - internal disks) when I formatted. Now, I reduced to 8 osd, (osd.4 is out) but with much larger (& faster) storage.

Now, each of the 8 OSD have 5T on it, I try, for the moment, to keep the OSD similars. Replication is set to 2.

The fs is btrfs formatted with big metadata (-l 64k -n64k), and mounted via space_cache,compress=lzo,nobarrier,noatime.

journal is on tmpfs :
 osd journal = /dev/shm/journal
 osd journal size = 6144

I know this is dangerous, remember It's NOT a production system for the moment.

No OSD is full, I don't have much data stored for the moment.

Concerning crush map, I'm not using the default one :

The 8 nodes are in 3 different locations (some kilometers away). 2 are in 1 place, 2 in another, and the 4 last in the principal place.

There is 10G between all the nodes and they are in the same VLAN, no router involved (but there is (negligible ?) latency between nodes)

I try to group host together to avoid problem when I loose a location (electrical problem, for example). Not sure I really customized the crush map as I should have.

here is the map :
 begin crush map

# devices
device 0 osd.0
device 1 osd.1
device 2 osd.2
device 3 osd.3
device 4 device4
device 5 osd.5
device 6 osd.6
device 7 osd.7
device 8 osd.8

# types
type 0 osd
type 1 host
type 2 rack
type 3 pool

# buckets
host karuizawa {
    id -5        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.2 weight 1.000
host hazelburn {
    id -6        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.3 weight 1.000
rack loire {
    id -3        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 2.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item karuizawa weight 1.000
    item hazelburn weight 1.000
host carsebridge {
    id -8        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.5 weight 1.000
host cameronbridge {
    id -9        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.6 weight 1.000
rack chantrerie {
    id -7        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 2.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item carsebridge weight 1.000
    item cameronbridge weight 1.000
host chichibu {
    id -2        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.0 weight 1.000
host glenesk {
    id -4        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.1 weight 1.000
host braeval {
    id -10        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.7 weight 1.000
host hanyu {
    id -11        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 1.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item osd.8 weight 1.000
rack lombarderie {
    id -12        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 4.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item chichibu weight 1.000
    item glenesk weight 1.000
    item braeval weight 1.000
    item hanyu weight 1.000
pool default {
    id -1        # do not change unnecessarily
    # weight 8.000
    alg straw
    hash 0    # rjenkins1
    item loire weight 2.000
    item chantrerie weight 2.000
    item lombarderie weight 4.000

# rules
rule data {
    ruleset 0
    type replicated
    min_size 1
    max_size 10
    step take default
    step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
    step emit
rule metadata {
    ruleset 1
    type replicated
    min_size 1
    max_size 10
    step take default
    step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
    step emit
rule rbd {
    ruleset 2
    type replicated
    min_size 1
    max_size 10
    step take default
    step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
    step emit

# end crush map

Hope it helps,

Yann Dupont - Service IRTS, DSI Université de Nantes
Tel : - Mail/Jabber : yann.dup...@univ-nantes.fr

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