
I obtained a POSIX file lock with the following code:

--- snip ---

               std::string x = "/tmp/ceph_mount/lock_file";
                std::ofstream lock_file(x);

                // Lock automatically released by the OS when the process dies

                if (Sync::get_file_lock(x) == -1) {
                        return false;


--- snip ---

The code should create the file if it doesnt exist or just open it and
close it if it does. Then the lock is taken. This is the code for


        static int get_file_lock(const std::string& path,
                                 bool block = false,
                                 bool exclusive = true)
                int fd, flags;

                if ((fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) == -1)
                        throw LockingException(path);

                flags = (exclusive ? LOCK_EX : LOCK_SH);
                flags |= (block ? 0 : LOCK_NB);

                if (flock(fd, flags) == 0)
                        return fd;

                return -1;


I never release the lock but I expect the operating system (and ceph)
to release it when the process terminates as this is normal POSIX
behaviour. The observed behaviour is that the lock never gets released
and after the process dies I can do the following:


dev proc # cat locks
1: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 4425 07:00:132 0 EOF
2: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 2906 fd:02:783456 0 EOF


The lock taken by the process is the second one and the PID is correct
(it's the PID of the process that took the lock). However the process
doesn't exist any more, which I can verify with ps.

Is this a bug in CEPH, am I doing something stupid, is it the expected

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