On 2012. July 5. 16:12:42 Székelyi Szabolcs wrote:
> On 2012. July 4. 09:34:04 Gregory Farnum wrote:
> > Hrm, it looks like the OSD data directory got a little busted somehow. How
> > did you perform your upgrade? (That is, how did you kill your daemons, in
> > what order, and when did you bring them back up.)
> Since it would be hard and long to describe in text, I've collected the
> relevant log entries, sorted by time at http://pastebin.com/Ev3M4DQ9 . The
> short story is that after seeing that the OSDs won't start, I tried to bring
> down the whole cluster and start it up from scratch. It didn't change
> anything, so I rebooted the two machines (running all three daemons), to
> see if it changes anything. It didn't and I gave up.
> My ceph config is available at http://pastebin.com/KKNjmiWM .
> Since this is my test cluster, I'm not very concerned about the data on it.
> But the other one, with the same config, is dying I think. ceph-fuse is
> eating around 75% CPU on the sole monitor ("cc") node. The monitor about
> 15%. On the other two nodes, the OSD eats around 50%, the MDS 15%, the
> monitor another 10%. No Ceph filesystem activity is going on at the moment.
> Blktrace reports about 1kB/s disk traffic on the partition hosting the OSD
> data dir. The data seems to be accessible at the moment, but I'm afraid
> that my production cluster will end up in a similar situation after
> upgrade, so I don't dare to touch it.
> Do you have any suggestion what I should check?

Yes, it definitely looks like dying. Besides the above symptoms all clients' 
ceph-fuse burn the CPU, there are unreadable files on the fs (tar blocks on 
them infinitely), the FUSE clients emit messages like

ceph-fuse: 2012-07-05 23:21:41.583692 7f444dfd5700  0 -- client_ip:0/1181 
send_message dropped message ping v1 because of no pipe on con 0x1034000

every 5 seconds. I tried to backup the data on it, but it got blocked in the 
middle. Since then I'm unable to get any data out of it, not even by killing 
ceph-fuse and remounting the fs.


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