Hello everyone,

I try to use radosgw to supply s3/swift storage,

everything is fine, but I found that something strange

after deleting a container/bucket from radosgw,

the following are commands I ran:

1. check the pool empty or not
$ rados --pool=.rgw ls | grep -v "^\." ; echo ============; rados
--pool=.rgw.buckets ls

2. create a container "buck1"
$ swift -A http://volume/auth -U account -K key post buck1

3. show created objs in ceph
$ rados --pool=.rgw ls | grep -v "^\." ; echo ============; rados
--pool=.rgw.buckets ls

4. delete "buck1"
swift -A http://volume/auth -U account -K key delete buck1

5. show objs in ceph
$ rados --pool=.rgw ls | grep -v "^\." ; echo ============; rados
--pool=.rgw.buckets ls

Then, the object '9352.10' seems like be leaved in pool forever ?
I have tried create & delete bucket by s3lib, too,
and the result is the same.

However, the function works fine,
I just want to know is this a normal case?


Chuanyu Tsai
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