On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Gregory Farnum <g...@inktank.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Tren Blackburn <t...@eotnetworks.com> wrote:
>> Greg: It's difficult to tell you that. I'm rsyncing 2 volumes from our
>> filers. Each base directory on each filer mount has approximate 213
>> directories, and then each directory under that has approximately
>> anywhere from 3000 - 5000 directories (very loose approximation here,
>> 850,000 directories per filer mount), and then each of those
>> directories contains files.
> Ah, directories are larger — Sage, do you think they're enough bigger
> to make up that much extra memory usage?
>> We have many many files here. We're doing this to see how CephFS
>> handles lots of files. We are coming from MooseFS which its master
>> metalogger process eats lots of ram, so we're hoping that Ceph is a
>> bit lighter on us.
>> Sage: The memory the MDS is using is only a cache? There should be no
>> problem restarting the MDS server while activity is going on? I should
>> probably change the limit for the non-active MDS servers first, and
>> then the active one and hope it fails over cleanly?
> Yep, that should work fine, with the obvious caveat that your
> filesystem will become inaccessible if the MDS is down long enough for
> clients to exceed their timeouts (no metadata loss though, if all
> clients remain active until the MDS comes back up).

I have 3 MDS's (active/standby setup). Shouldn't the MDS fail over to
the other node when I restart the process? I'm not sure what the best
method for just restarting the MDS is, and can it be done without
forcing a fail over?

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