Hey folks,

I have two questions about determining how much storage has been used
*inside* of an RBD.

First, I'm confused by the output of df.  I've created, mapped, and
mounted a 500GB RBD, and see the following:

# df -h /srv/test
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/rbd44      500G  7.5G  467G   2% /srv/test

# cd /srv/test
# du -sh .
20K     .

Any ideas way a brand-new, no files added mount shows 7.5GB of used
space?  Does this happen from the file system formatting (ext4 in this
Additionally, 500G - 7.5G != 467G (the number shown as Avail).  Why
the huge discrepancy?  I don't expect the numbers to add up exact due
to rounding from kB, MB, GB, etc, but they should be darn close, a la

df -h /dev/sda1
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        15G  1.7G   13G  12% /

Second question, is it possible to know how much storage has been used
in the RBD without mounting it and running df or du?  For the same RBD
as above, I see:

# rbd info test
rbd image 'test'':
        size 500 GB in 128000 objects
        order 22 (4096 KB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rb.0.18f9.2d9c66c6
        parent:  (pool -1)

Is there perhaps a way to know the number of objects that have been
'used'?  Then I could take that and multiply by the object size (4MB).

I'm running 0.48.1argonaut on Ubuntu 12.04.
RBD maps are also on Ubuntu 12.04, with the stock 3.2.0-29-generic kernel.


 - Travis
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