Am 14.11.2012 15:59, schrieb Sage Weil:
Hi Stefan,

I would be nice to confirm that no clients are waiting on replies for
these requests; currently we suspect that the OSD request tracking is the
buggy part.  If you query the OSD admin socket you should be able to dump
requests and see the client IP, and then query the client.

Is it librbd?  In that case you likely need to change the config so that
it is listening on an admin socket ('admin socket = path').

Yes it is. So i have to specify admin socket at the KVM host? How do i query the admin socket for requests?


On Wed, 14 Nov 2012, Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG wrote:

Hello list,

i see this several times. Endless flying slow requests. And they never stop
until i restart the mentioned osd.

2012-11-14 10:11:57.513395 osd.24 [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below;
oldest blocked for > 31789.858457 secs
2012-11-14 10:11:57.513399 osd.24 [WRN] slow request 31789.858457 seconds old,
received at 2012-11-14 01:22:07.654922: osd_op(client.30286.0:6719
rbd_data.75c55bf2fdd7.0000000000001399 [write 282624~4096] 3.3f6d2373) v4
currently delayed
2012-11-14 10:11:58.513584 osd.24 [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below;
oldest blocked for > 31790.858646 secs
2012-11-14 10:11:58.513586 osd.24 [WRN] slow request 31790.858646 seconds old,
received at 2012-11-14 01:22:07.654922: osd_op(client.30286.0:6719
rbd_data.75c55bf2fdd7.0000000000001399 [write 282624~4096] 3.3f6d2373) v4
currently delayed
2012-11-14 10:11:59.513766 osd.24 [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below;
oldest blocked for > 31791.858827 secs
2012-11-14 10:11:59.513768 osd.24 [WRN] slow request 31791.858827 seconds old,
received at 2012-11-14 01:22:07.654922: osd_op(client.30286.0:6719
rbd_data.75c55bf2fdd7.0000000000001399 [write 282624~4096] 3.3f6d2373) v4
currently delayed
2012-11-14 10:12:00.513909 osd.24 [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below;
oldest blocked for > 31792.858971 secs
2012-11-14 10:12:00.513916 osd.24 [WRN] slow request 31792.858971 seconds old,
received at 2012-11-14 01:22:07.654922: osd_op(client.30286.0:6719
rbd_data.75c55bf2fdd7.0000000000001399 [write 282624~4096] 3.3f6d2373) v4
currently delayed
2012-11-14 10:12:01.514061 osd.24 [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below;
oldest blocked for > 31793.859124 secs
2012-11-14 10:12:01.514063 osd.24 [WRN] slow request 31793.859124 seconds old,
received at 2012-11-14 01:22:07.654922: osd_op(client.30286.0:6719
rbd_data.75c55bf2fdd7.0000000000001399 [write 282624~4096] 3.3f6d2373) v4
currently delayed

When i now restart osd 24 they go away and everything is fine again.

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