On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 3:07 AM, Jimmy Tang <jt...@tchpc.tcd.ie> wrote:
> On 24 Nov 2012, at 16:42, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>> On Thursday, November 22, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Jimmy Tang wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Is it possible at this point in time to setup some form of tiering of 
>>> storage pools in ceph by modifying the crush map? For example I want to 
>>> have my most recently used data on a small set of nodes that have SSD's and 
>>> over time migrate data from the SSD's to some bulk spinning disk using a 
>>> LRU policy?
>> There's no way to have Ceph do this automatically at this time. Tiering in 
>> this fashion traditionally requires the sort of centralized metadata that 
>> Ceph and RADOS are designed to avoid, and while interest in it is heating up 
>> we haven't yet come up with a new solution. ;)
> that makes sense that tiering in this fashion makes it un-ceph like.
>> If your system allows you to do this manually, though — yes. You can create 
>> multiple (non-overlapping, presumably) trees within your CRUSH map, one of 
>> which would be an "SSD" storage group and one of which would be a "normal" 
>> storage group. Then create a CRUSH rule which draws from the SSD group and a 
>> rule which draws from the normal group, create a pool using each of those, 
>> and write to whichever one at the appropriate time.
>> Alternatively, you could also place all the primaries on SSD storage but the 
>> replicas on regular drives — this won't speed up your writes much but will 
>> mean SSD-speed reads. :)
>> -Greg
> Ok, so it's possible to set pools of disks/nodes/racks as primary copies of 
> data from which the client can read data from?

Yep. This is accomplished via the crush "take" and "choose" commands —
"take" is the starting point for picking OSDs from, and you can have
multiple "take" commands in a single rule whose contents are "emit"ted
in order. :)
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