On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Martin Gerhard Loschwitz
<martin.loschw...@hastexo.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I figured it might be a cool thing to have packages of ceph-deploy for
> Debian and Ubuntu 12.04; I took the time and created them (along with
> packages of python-pushy, which ceph-deploy needs but which was not
> present in the Debian archive and thus in the Ubuntu archive either).
> They are available from http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/ceph-deploy/
> I did upload python-pushy to the official Debian unstable repository
> already, but I didn't do so just yet with ceph-deploy. Also, I don't
> want to step on somebody's toes - if there were secret plans to start
> ceph-deploy packaging anyway, I'm more than happy to hand over what
> I have got to the responsible person.
> Any feedback is highly appreciated (esp. with regards to the question
> if it's already okay to upload ceph-deploy).

We're certainly planning to have ceph-deploy packages once we're
prepared to support them — but if a community member wants to do it
for us now...well, we like having less to do. ;) You're not going to
step on anybody's toes, and if we need to arrange a transfer of
stewardship I imagine that can be arranged?
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