Hi John,

I have a public/cluster network option setup in my config file.  You do not 
need to also specify an addr for each osd individually.  Here's an example of 
my working config:
        auth cluster required = none
        auth service required = none
        auth client required = none
        public network =
        cluster network =
        osd mkfs type = xfs
        osd journal size = 1000
        filestore max sync interval = 30

        host = plcephd01
        mon addr =
        host = plcephd03
        mon addr =
        host = plcephd05
        mon addr =

        host = plcephd01
        devs = /dev/sda3
.... and so on...

-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-devel-ow...@vger.kernel.org 
[mailto:ceph-devel-ow...@vger.kernel.org] On Behalf Of John Nielsen
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 6:35 PM
To: ceph-devel@vger.kernel.org
Subject: questions on networks and hardware

I'm planning a Ceph deployment which will include:
        10Gbit/s public/client network
        10Gbit/s cluster network
        dedicated mon hosts (3 to start)
        dedicated storage hosts (multiple disks, one XFS and OSD per disk, 3-5 
to start)
        dedicated RADOS gateway host (1 to start)

I've done some initial testing and read through most of the docs but I still 
have a few questions. Please respond even if you just have a suggestion or 
response for one of them.

If I have "cluster network" and "public network" entries under [global] or 
[osd], do I still need to specify "public addr" and "cluster addr" for each OSD 

Which network(s) should the monitor hosts be on? If both, is it valid to have 
more than one "mon addr" entry per mon host or is there a different way to do 

Is it worthwhile to have 10G NIC's on the monitor hosts? (The storage hosts 
will each have 2x 10Gbit/s NIC's.)

I'd like to have 2x 10Gbit/s NIC's on the gateway host and maximize throughput. 
Any suggestions on how to best do that? I'm assuming it will talk to the OSD's 
on the Ceph public/client network, so does that imply a third even-more-public 
network for the gateway's clients?

I think this has come up before, but has anyone written up something with more 
details on setting up gateways? Hardware recommendations, strategies to improve 
caching and performance, multiple gateway setups with and without a load 
balancer, etc.



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