On 01/31/2013 06:17 PM, Andrey Korolyov wrote:

Please take a look, this data remains for days and seems not to be
deleted in future too:

pool name       category                 KB      objects       clones
    degraded      unfound           rd        rd KB           wr
wr KB
data            -                          0            0            0
            0           0            0            0            0
install         -                   15736833         3856            0
            0           0           16            3       464648
metadata        -                          0            0            0
            0           0            0            0            0
prod-rack0      -                  364027905        88895            0
            0           0           32            0       267626
rbd             -                    4194305         1027            0
            0           0            4            1        11269
   total used      6900914368        93778
   total avail    18335469376
   total space    25236383744

for pool in $(rados lspools) ; do rbd ls -l $pool ; done | grep -v
SIZE | awk '{ sum += $2} END { print sum }'
rbd: pool data doesn't contain rbd images
rbd: pool metadata doesn't contain rbd images

I have same thing before, but not so contrast as there. Cluster was
put on moderate failure test, dropping one or two osds at once under
I/O pressure with replication factor three.

Just wondering if there was something else you wanted to discuss on your email given the email subject. Wanted by any chance discuss anything regarding Paxos?


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