Hey folks.  We've gotten nearly 50 responses so far, and the data is proving to 
be quite interesting!  I will share it on the blog early next week.

The survey will be open until next Monday so that everyone has an opportunity 
to participate.  If you haven't gotten around to adding your cluster, you still 
can - it's a pretty short list of questions, shouldn't take more than a minute 
or two.



On Feb 13, 2013, at 7:06 PM, Ross David Turk <r...@inktank.com> wrote:

> Hi!  It's been a while since my last poll about Ceph deployments and use 
> cases.  Since there are so many more of us now, I think it's a good time to 
> do it again.  This time, I've set up a survey.
> I am particularly interested in how many deployments of Ceph there are, how 
> much underlying storage they manage, whether they're in production, and how 
> people plan to use them.
> It's a very short survey (10 questions, mostly multiple-choice), and 
> shouldn't take more than a minute or two.  The results will be public, and I 
> think it will help us all figure out how to focus our efforts.
> http://ceph.com/census
> This information will be compiled and published on the Ceph blog for all to 
> review and enjoy.  Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Ross

Ross Turk
Community, Inktank

@rossturk @inktank @ceph

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