
I have a ceph cluster running bobtail 0.56.4

I have been playing with the rbd images and kvm.
The hardware for the osd,mon is 3 x HP G5 and 2 x SATA 2TB disk.
and 2xSAS for the journals. (Old hardware)

I have one host running kvm-rbd against the setup.
The network is 1GB network.

The scenario is as follows. I run my vm servers for some day/s
then it hangs the cluster starts to recover and 2 osd+mon are down.
And i have to restart that server. 
Health goes to OK after recovering and I can continue.

I have noticed that i get high load related ceph-mon and osd
on one of the hosts. The host that get high load is not always the same.
I guess that’s the host that the kvm-host uses for mon.

What i can't figure out is why the osd's are stopping/crashing.
And all load is sent to only that server mon, if that's what is happening ????
Is it's possible to limit something. It feels like i'm overloading the system 

I have not turned on debug. Please let me know if any logs would be of any 

 /Best Regards Martin
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