On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Roald van Loon <roaldvanl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Yehuda Sadeh <yeh...@inktank.com> wrote:
>> I was referring to your work at wip-rgw-plugin, where the plugin code
>> itself still needs to rely on the rgw utility code.
> Right. So we can agree on ditching the dynamic loading thing and clean
> internal API (for now), but at least start separating code into
> "plugins" like this?
>> That's not quite a hard dependency. At the moment it's like that, as
>> we made a decision to use the S3 auth for the admin utilities.
>> Switching to a different auth system (atm) would require defining a
>> new auth class and inheriting from it instead. It's not very flexible,
>> but it's not very intrusive.
>> I'd certainly be interested in removing this inheritance relationship
>> and switch to a different pipeline model.
> I don't know if you looked at it in detail, but for the wip-rgw-plugin
> work I created a RGWAuthManager / RGWAuthPipeline relation to
> seggregate authentication specific stuff from the REST handlers. Is
> that in general a model you like to see discussed in more detail? If
> so, it would probably be wise to start a separate blueprint for it.

I didn't look closely at all the details, but yeah, something along
those lines. But it'll need to be clearly defined.

>> As I said, I don't see it as such. We do use it all over the place,
>> but the same way you could just switch these to use
>> RGWHandler_Auth_Swift and it should work (give or take a few tweaks).
> IMHO, REST handlers should leave
> authentication/authorization/accounting specific tasks to a separate
> component (like the aforementioned pipelining system, and maybe
> integrate that with current RGWUser related code), although this will
> likely never be purely abstracted (at least for authentication). This
> just makes the whole system more modular (albeit it just a bit).

Can't think of examples off the top of my head right now, but the
devil's always in the details. Hopefully wrt the auth system there
aren't many hidden issues.
> But for now I propose to implement a small "plugin" system where
> plugins are still linked into the rgw core (but code wise as much
> separated as possible), and keep the auth stuff for later.
Sounds good.

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