On 10/03/2013 02:44 PM, Abhay Sachan wrote:
Hi All,
I have tried setting up a ceph cluster with 3 nodes (3 monitors). I am
using RHEL 6.4 as OS with dumpling(0.67.3) release. Ceph cluster
creation (using ceph-deploy as well as mkcephfs), ceph-creates-keys
doesn't return on any of the servers. Whereas, if I create a cluster
with only 1 node (1 monitor), key creation goes through. Has anybody
seen this problem or any ideas what I might be missing??


Those symptoms tell me that your monitors are not forming quorum. 'ceph-create-keys' needs the monitors to first establish a quorum, otherwise it will hang waiting for that to happen.

Please make sure all your monitors are running. If so, try running 'ceph -s' on your cluster. If that hangs as well, try accessing each monitor's admin socket to check what's happening [1]. If that too fails, try looking into the logs for something obviously wrong. If you are not able to discern anything useful at that point, upload the logs to some place and point us to them -- we'll then be happy to take a look.

Hope this helps.


Joao Eduardo Luis
Software Engineer | http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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