
Today 8pm paris time / CEST was the thrid teuthology meeting. The general idea 
of these meetings is to get together developers using teuthology ( or willing 
to use teuthology ) outside of Inktank and people using it inside inktank. The 
goal is to help transition from an internal tool to something that's 
installable and upgradeable by any Ceph developer. 

The next meeting will be held 6pm paris time / CEST wednesday october 9th, 
2013. The IRC channel is irc.oftc.net#ceph-devel and the conference room is 
mumble.upstream-university.org ( http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php ). 
It is timeboxed to one hour.

This edition will be immediately after the Ceph day 
http://cephdaylondon-eorg.eventbrite.com/ and I'll do my best to recruit 
participants :-)


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

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