On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
> On 09/10/2013 22:46, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> On 08/10/2013 16:20, Don Talton (dotalton) wrote:> Hi Loic,
>>> We utilize stackforge's puppet modules to do our heavy lifting, including 
>>> p-openstack, p-cinder, p-glance. There are dependency chains so that 
>>> services will be restarted after configuration changes are made. Since many 
>>> of our customers don't allow their baremetal  nodes Internet access, we've 
>>> added the packages to our APT repo to avoid the version issues with using 
>>> either stock or public packages.
>>> You can probably find some other useful code the 
>>> https://github.com/CiscoSystems/ repo, including what is needed to 
>>> cohabitate MON/OSD nodes with OpenStack service nodes 
>>> (https://github.com/CiscoSystems/puppet-coe/tree/grizzly/manifests/ceph) 
>>> and more. The primary orchestration is in grizzly-manifests. You can see 
>>> HOWTOs for different deployment scenarios here: 
>>> http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/OpenStack:Ceph-COI-Installation.
>>> Hope this helps some!
>> It does and it's great that all this is documented :-) Although there are a 
>> few modules around, re-using ceph-deploy seems to be the preferred method. I 
>> wonder what Alfredo would suggest. From a previous discussion we had I think 
>> he will suggest to use ceph-disk directly + cli / rest call instead. Looking 
>> at
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy/blob/master/ceph_deploy/new.py
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy/blob/master/ceph_deploy/mon.py
>> etc.
>> the layer provided by ceph-deploy is indeed thin. But is it something that 
>> needs to be duplicated in a puppet module ?
> I took a look at ceph-deploy and it won't rely on sudo if run from root
> ceph_deploy/sudo_pushy.py
> def needs_sudo():
>     if getpass.getuser() == 'root':
>         return False
>     return True
> and that it won't rely on ssh if the target host is localhost:
> ceph_deploy/lib/remoto/connection.py
> def needs_ssh(hostname, _socket=None):
>     """
>     Obtains remote hostname of the socket and cuts off the domain part
>     of its FQDN.
>     """
>     _socket = _socket or socket
>     local_hostname = _socket.gethostname()
>     local_short_hostname = local_hostname.split('.')[0]
>     if local_hostname == hostname or local_short_hostname == hostname:
>         return False
>     return True
> Since puppet-cephdeploy runs on the target host as root, it means that
> puppet-cephdeploy/manifests/init.pp
>   file {"/home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys":
> ...
> etc.
> could probably be avoided since puppet-cephdeploy/manifests/mon.pp runs
> command => "/usr/local/bin/ceph-deploy mon create $::hostname",
> runs as root, on the target host.

Loic is spot on here. Yes, ceph-deploy will avoid all of those things
described if they are not necessary. The one possible caveat is when
there is
an ~/.ssh/config that changes the login of a remote user to something
else which ceph-deploy would not be able to tell.

So say you have a `node1` defined in the ssh config with user `foo`
but you are executing ceph-deploy as `root`, then that would mean
that ceph-deploy would not run `sudo` commands in the remote host
because it assumes the ssh is happening with root.

If the manifest is doing all of this work locally, then this is not a
problem, but something to be aware of.
> I'm not sure if the distribution of the keys would work though as it relies 
> on files collected by "gatherkeys" which is still a little mysterious for me 
> :-)

gatherkeys will just go to standard locations and look for the
generated keys and copy them back to where ceph-deploy is executing
from. Really nothing
complex is  happening there.

> Cheers
> --
> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
> All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
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