On 21/10/2013 18:49, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what questions you're actually asking here...
> In general, the OSD is not removed from the system without explicit
> admin intervention. When it is removed, all traces of it should be
> zapped (including its key), so it can't reconnect.
> If it hasn't been removed, then indeed it will continue working
> properly even if moved to a different box.

If there is an external journal, the device containing the journal needs to be 
moved with the device containing the data. If I read 
ceph/src/upstart/ceph-osd.conf correctly, when the data device is plugged in 
the new machine it will fail to start because the journal is not there yet. 
When the journal device is plugged in, the ceph-osd.conf would be called 
because udev rule in ceph/udev/95-ceph-osd.rules call ceph-disk 

Is my understanding correct ?


> -Greg
> Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
>> Hi Ceph,
>> In the context of the ceph puppet module ( 
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Puppet-openstack/ceph-blueprint ) I tried to 
>> think about what should be provided to deal with disks / OSDs when they are 
>> removed or moved around.
>> Here is a possible scenario:
>> * Machine A dies and contains OSD 42
>> * ceph osd rm 42 is done to get rid of the OSD
>> * ceph-prepare is called on a new disk and gets OSD id 42
>> ceph/src/mon/OSDMonitor.cc
>>     // allocate a new id
>>     for (i=0; i < osdmap.get_max_osd(); i++) {
>>       if (!osdmap.exists(i) &&
>>           pending_inc.new_up_client.count(i) == 0 &&
>>           (pending_inc.new_state.count(i) == 0 ||
>>            (pending_inc.new_state[i] & CEPH_OSD_EXISTS) == 0))
>>         goto done;
>>     }
>> * The disk of machine A is still good and is plugged into machine C
>> * the udev logic sees it has the ceph magic uuid and contains a well formed 
>> osd file system and runs the osd daemon on it. The osd daemon fails and dies 
>> because its key does not match. It will try again and fail in the same way 
>> when the machine reboots.
>> If the osd id was not reused, the disk would find its way back in the 
>> cluster and be reused without manual intervention. Since ceph-disk uses the 
>> osd uuid to create the disk, it does not matter that it has been removed : 
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/ceph-disk#L458 . I'm not sure 
>> to understand how the key that was previously registered is re-imported. If 
>> I understand correctly it is created with ceph-osd --mkkey 
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/ceph-disk#L1301 and stored in 
>> the osd tree at the location specified by --keyring 
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/ceph-disk#L1307 .
>> At this point my understanding is that (as long as OSD ids are not reused), 
>> removing a disk or moving it from machine to machine, even over a long 
>> period of time does not require any action. The OSD id is an int which is 
>> probably large enough for any kind of cluster in the near future. The OSD 
>> ids that are not used and not removed could be cleaned from time to time to 
>> garbage collect the space they use.
>> Please let me know if I've missed something :-)
>> --
>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
>> All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

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