Several new defects.  This wasn't running for the last couple of weeks 
because the submodules didn't update on the test checkout.

--- Begin Message ---


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to ceph found with 
Coverity Scan.

Defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 41 defect(s)

** CID 1201374:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/mon/ 1097 in MDSMonitor::prepare_command(MMonCommand *)()

** CID 1201375:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/osd/ 4460 in OSD::do_command(Connection *, unsigned long, 
std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, 
std::allocator<char>>, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, 
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>>> &, ceph::buffer::list &)()

** CID 1201376:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 333 in main()

** CID 1201377:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 335 in main()

** CID 1201378:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 330 in main()

** CID 1201379:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/mds/ 7119 in Server::do_rename_rollback(ceph::buffer::list &, int, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, bool)()

** CID 1201380:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 291 in gf_error_check()

** CID 1201381:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 376 in gf_error_check()
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 377 in gf_error_check()

** CID 1201382:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 6073 in 
Server::_rename_prepare(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, EMetaBlob *, 
ceph::buffer::list *, CDentry *, CDentry *, CDentry *)()

** CID 1201383:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 7112 in Server::do_rename_rollback(ceph::buffer::list &, int, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, bool)()

** CID 1201384:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 7154 in 
Server::_rename_rollback_finish(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MutationImpl> &, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, CDentry *, unsigned long, CDentry *, 
CDentry *, bool)()

** CID 1201385:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/mds/ 416 in 
Locker::acquire_locks(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, 
std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> 
&, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock 
*>> &, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, 
std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> &, std::map<SimpleLock *, int, 
std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<std::pair<SimpleLock *const , int>>> *, 
CInode *, bool)()
/mds/ 416 in 
Locker::acquire_locks(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, 
std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> 
&, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock 
*>> &, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, 
std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> &, std::map<SimpleLock *, int, 
std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<std::pair<SimpleLock *const , int>>> *, 
CInode *, bool)()

** CID 1201386:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/test/librados/ 371 in LibRadosLockECPP_BreakLockPP_Test::TestBody()()

** CID 1201387:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/test/librados/ 330 in LibRadosLockECPP_ListLockersPP_Test::TestBody()()

** CID 1201388:  Missing unlock  (LOCK)
/mon/ 462 in Monitor::preinit()()

** CID 1201389:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN)
/test/librbd/ 1825 in LibRBD_ZeroLengthDiscard_Test::TestBody()()

** CID 1201390:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN_DYNAMIC)
/test/librbd/ 1825 in LibRBD_ZeroLengthDiscard_Test::TestBody()()

** CID 1201391:  Out-of-bounds write  (OVERRUN_STATIC)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf_w8.c: 1267 in gf_w8_table_init()

** CID 1201392:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/test/librados/ 134 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 
/test/librados/ 139 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 
/test/librados/ 141 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 

** CID 1201393:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/test/librados/ 1881 in LibRadosAioEC_RoundTripAppend_Test::TestBody()()
/test/librados/ 1883 in LibRadosAioEC_RoundTripAppend_Test::TestBody()()

*** CID 1201374:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/mon/ 1097 in MDSMonitor::prepare_command(MMonCommand *)()
1091           r = -EINVAL;
1092           poolid = -1;
1093           ss << "cannot remove default data pool";
1094         }
1096         if (poolid >= 0) {
>>>     CID 1201374:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, 
>>> std::string("poolid", std::allocator<char>()), poolid)".
1097           cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "poolid", poolid);
1098           r = pending_mdsmap.remove_data_pool(poolid);
1099           if (r == -ENOENT)
1100            r = 0;
1101           if (r == 0)
1102            ss << "removed data pool " << poolid << " from mdsmap";

*** CID 1201375:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/osd/ 4460 in OSD::do_command(Connection *, unsigned long, 
std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, 
std::allocator<char>>, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, 
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>>> &, ceph::buffer::list &)()
4454         }
4456         fout.close();
4457       }
4458       else if (prefix == "debug kick_recovery_wq") {
4459         int64_t delay;
>>>     CID 1201375:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "cmd_getval(this->cct, cmdmap, 
>>> std::string("delay", std::allocator<char>()), delay)".
4460         cmd_getval(cct, cmdmap, "delay", delay);
4461         ostringstream oss;
4462         oss << delay;
4463         r = cct->_conf->set_val("osd_recovery_delay_start", 
4464         if (r != 0) {
4465           ss << "kick_recovery_wq: error setting "

*** CID 1201376:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 333 in main()
327       }
329       rados_t cl;
330       rados_create(&cl, NULL);
331       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
332       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
>>>     CID 1201376:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "rados_conf_read_file(cl, NULL)".
333       rados_conf_read_file(cl, NULL);
334       rados_conf_parse_env(cl, NULL);
335       rados_connect(cl);
336       rados_pool_delete(cl, pool.c_str());
338       printf("******* SUCCESS **********\n"); 
339       return EXIT_SUCCESS;

*** CID 1201377:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 335 in main()
329       rados_t cl;
330       rados_create(&cl, NULL);
331       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
332       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
333       rados_conf_read_file(cl, NULL);
334       rados_conf_parse_env(cl, NULL);
>>>     CID 1201377:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "rados_connect(cl)".
335       rados_connect(cl);
336       rados_pool_delete(cl, pool.c_str());
338       printf("******* SUCCESS **********\n"); 
339       return EXIT_SUCCESS;

*** CID 1201378:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/test/system/ 330 in main()
324           printf("got error: %s\n", error.c_str());
325           return EXIT_FAILURE;
326         }
327       }
329       rados_t cl;
>>>     CID 1201378:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "rados_create(&cl, NULL)".
330       rados_create(&cl, NULL);
331       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
332       rados_conf_parse_argv(cl, argc, argv);
333       rados_conf_read_file(cl, NULL);
334       rados_conf_parse_env(cl, NULL);
335       rados_connect(cl);

*** CID 1201379:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/mds/ 7119 in Server::do_rename_rollback(ceph::buffer::list &, int, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, bool)()
7113         dout(10) << " noting renamed dir ino " << in->ino() << " in 
metablob" << dendl;
7114         le->commit.renamed_dirino = in->ino();
7115       }
7117       if (target && target->is_dir()) {
7118         assert(destdn);
>>>     CID 1201379:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
>>>     "in" in "this->mdcache->project_subtree_rename(in, straydir, destdir)" 
>>> looks like a copy-paste error.  Should it say "target" instead?
7119         mdcache->project_subtree_rename(in, straydir, destdir);
7120       }
7122       if (in && in->is_dir()) {
7123         assert(srcdn);
7124         mdcache->project_subtree_rename(in, destdir, srcdir);

*** CID 1201380:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 291 in gf_error_check()
285         if (!pclmul)                                   { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_PCLMULX; return 0; }
286         return 1;
287       }
289       if (mult_type == GF_MULT_BYTWO_p || mult_type == GF_MULT_BYTWO_b) {
290         if (raltmap)                    { _gf_errno = GF_E_ALT_BY2; return 
0; }
>>>     CID 1201380:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement "_gf_errno = 27;".
291         if (rsse && !sse2)              { _gf_errno = GF_E_BY2_SSE; return 
0; }
292         return 1;
293       }
295       if (mult_type == GF_MULT_LOG_TABLE || mult_type == GF_MULT_LOG_ZERO
296                                          || mult_type == 

*** CID 1201381:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 376 in gf_error_check()
370           } else                                    { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP_64AR; return 0; }
371         } else if (w == 128) {
372           if (arg1 == 8 && arg2 == 128) {
373             if (rsse || rnosse)                     { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128_S; return 0; }
374             if (raltmap)                            { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128_A; return 0; }
375           } else if (arg1 == 4 && arg2 == 128) {
>>>     CID 1201381:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement "_gf_errno = 63;".
376             if (rsse && !sse3)                      { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP_SSE3; return 0; }
377             if (raltmap && !sse3)                   { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AS; return 0; }
378             if (raltmap && rnosse)                  { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AS; return 0; }
379           } else                                    { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AR; return 0; }
380         } else                                      { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SPLIT_W; return 0; }
381         return 1;
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf.c: 377 in gf_error_check()
371         } else if (w == 128) {
372           if (arg1 == 8 && arg2 == 128) {
373             if (rsse || rnosse)                     { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128_S; return 0; }
374             if (raltmap)                            { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128_A; return 0; }
375           } else if (arg1 == 4 && arg2 == 128) {
376             if (rsse && !sse3)                      { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP_SSE3; return 0; }
>>>     CID 1201381:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement "_gf_errno = 46;".
377             if (raltmap && !sse3)                   { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AS; return 0; }
378             if (raltmap && rnosse)                  { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AS; return 0; }
379           } else                                    { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SP128AR; return 0; }
380         } else                                      { _gf_errno = 
GF_E_SPLIT_W; return 0; }
381         return 1;
382       }

*** CID 1201382:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 6073 in 
Server::_rename_prepare(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, EMetaBlob *, 
ceph::buffer::list *, CDentry *, CDentry *, CDentry *)()
6067           force_journal_dest = true;
6068         } else
6069           force_journal_dest = _need_force_journal(srci, false);
6070       }
6072       bool force_journal_stray = false;
>>>     CID 1201382:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "straydn" to null implies that "straydn" might be null.
6073       if (oldin && oldin->is_dir() && straydn && !straydn->is_auth())
6074         force_journal_stray = _need_force_journal(oldin, true);
6076       if (linkmerge)
6077         dout(10) << " merging remote and primary links to the same inode" 
<< dendl;
6078       if (silent)

*** CID 1201383:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 7112 in Server::do_rename_rollback(ceph::buffer::list &, int, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, bool)()
7106         le->commit.add_primary_dentry(target->get_projected_parent_dn(), 
target, true);
7107       }
7109       if (force_journal_dest) {
7110         dout(10) << " noting rename target ino " << target->ino() << " in 
metablob" << dendl;
7111         le->commit.renamed_dirino = target->ino();
>>>     CID 1201383:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "in" to null implies that "in" might be null.
7112       } else if (force_journal_src || (in && in->is_dir() && 
srcdn->authority().first == whoami)) {
7113         dout(10) << " noting renamed dir ino " << in->ino() << " in 
metablob" << dendl;
7114         le->commit.renamed_dirino = in->ino();
7115       }
7117       if (target && target->is_dir()) {

*** CID 1201384:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/mds/ 7154 in 
Server::_rename_rollback_finish(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MutationImpl> &, 
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, CDentry *, unsigned long, CDentry *, 
CDentry *, bool)()
7148         if (srcdn->authority().first == mds->get_nodeid())
7149           srcdn->mark_dirty(srcdnpv, mut->ls);
7150       }
7152       mut->apply();
>>>     CID 1201384:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "srcdn" to null implies that "srcdn" might be null.
7154       if (srcdn) {
7155         CInode *in = srcdn->get_linkage()->get_inode();
7156         // update subtree map?
7157         if (in && in->is_dir()) {
7158           assert(destdn);
7159           mdcache->adjust_subtree_after_rename(in, destdn->get_dir(), 

*** CID 1201385:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/mds/ 416 in 
Locker::acquire_locks(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, 
std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> 
&, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock 
*>> &, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, 
std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> &, std::map<SimpleLock *, int, 
std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<std::pair<SimpleLock *const , int>>> *, 
CInode *, bool)()
410             dout(10) << " already rdlocked " << *have << " " << 
*have->get_parent() << dendl;
411             continue;
412           }
413         }
415         // hose any stray locks
>>>     CID 1201385:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
>>>     Dereferencing iterator "existing" though it is already past the end of 
>>> its container.
416         if (*existing == *p) {
417           assert(need_wrlock || need_remote_wrlock);
418           SimpleLock *lock = *existing;
419           if (mdr->wrlocks.count(lock)) {
420             if (!need_wrlock)
421               dout(10) << " unlocking extra " << *lock << " " << 
*lock->get_parent() << dendl;
/mds/ 416 in 
Locker::acquire_locks(std::tr1::shared_ptr<MDRequestImpl> &, 
std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> 
&, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<SimpleLock 
*>> &, std::set<SimpleLock *, std::less<SimpleLock *>, 
std::allocator<SimpleLock *>> &, std::map<SimpleLock *, int, 
std::less<SimpleLock *>, std::allocator<std::pair<SimpleLock *const , int>>> *, 
CInode *, bool)()
410             dout(10) << " already rdlocked " << *have << " " << 
*have->get_parent() << dendl;
411             continue;
412           }
413         }
415         // hose any stray locks
>>>     CID 1201385:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
>>>     Dereferencing iterator "existing" though it is already past the end of 
>>> its container.
416         if (*existing == *p) {
417           assert(need_wrlock || need_remote_wrlock);
418           SimpleLock *lock = *existing;
419           if (mdr->wrlocks.count(lock)) {
420             if (!need_wrlock)
421               dout(10) << " unlocking extra " << *lock << " " << 
*lock->get_parent() << dendl;

*** CID 1201386:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/test/librados/ 371 in LibRadosLockECPP_BreakLockPP_Test::TestBody()()
365       sstm << "client." << cluster.get_instance_id();
366       std::string me = sstm.str();
367       ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.lock_exclusive("foo", "TestLock", "Cookie",  "", 
NULL, 0));
368       ASSERT_EQ(1, ioctx.list_lockers("foo", "TestLock", &exclusive, &tag, 
369       std::list<librados::locker_t>::iterator it = lockers.begin();
370       ASSERT_FALSE(lockers.end() == it);
>>>     CID 1201386:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
>>>     Dereferencing iterator "it" though it is already past the end of its 
>>> container.
371       ASSERT_EQ(me, it->client);
372       ASSERT_EQ("Cookie", it->cookie);
373       ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.break_lock("foo", "TestLock", it->client, 

*** CID 1201387:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
/test/librados/ 330 in LibRadosLockECPP_ListLockersPP_Test::TestBody()()
324         int exclusive;
325         std::string tag;
326         std::list<librados::locker_t> lockers;
327         ASSERT_EQ(1, ioctx.list_lockers("foo", "TestLock", &exclusive, 
&tag, &lockers));
328         std::list<librados::locker_t>::iterator it = lockers.begin();
329         ASSERT_FALSE(lockers.end() == it);
>>>     CID 1201387:  Using invalid iterator  (INVALIDATE_ITERATOR)
>>>     Dereferencing iterator "it" though it is already past the end of its 
>>> container.
330         ASSERT_EQ(me, it->client);
331         ASSERT_EQ("Cookie", it->cookie);
332       }
333     }
335     TEST_F(LibRadosLockEC, BreakLock) {

*** CID 1201388:  Missing unlock  (LOCK)
/mon/ 462 in Monitor::preinit()()
456              << "must have been removed" << dendl;
457         if (g_conf->mon_force_quorum_join) {
458           dout(0) << "we should have died but "
459                   << "'mon_force_quorum_join' is set -- allowing boot" << 
460         } else {
461           derr << "commit suicide!" << dendl;
>>>     CID 1201388:  Missing unlock  (LOCK)
>>>     Returning without unlocking "this->lock._m".
462           return -ENOENT;
463         }
464       }
466       {
467         // We have a potentially inconsistent store state in hands. Get rid 
of it

*** CID 1201389:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN)
/test/librbd/ 1825 in LibRBD_ZeroLengthDiscard_Test::TestBody()()
1819       uint64_t size = 2 << 20;
1821       ASSERT_EQ(0, create_image(ioctx, name, size, &order));
1822       ASSERT_EQ(0, rbd_open(ioctx, name, &image, NULL));
1824       const char *data = "blah";
>>>     CID 1201389:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN)
>>>     Allocating insufficient memory for the terminating null of the string.
1825       char read_data[strlen(data)];
1826       ASSERT_EQ((int)strlen(data), rbd_write(image, 0, strlen(data), 
1827       ASSERT_EQ(0, rbd_discard(image, 0, 0));
1828       ASSERT_EQ((int)strlen(data), rbd_read(image, 0, strlen(data), 
1829       ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, read_data, strlen(data)));

*** CID 1201390:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN_DYNAMIC)
/test/librbd/ 1825 in LibRBD_ZeroLengthDiscard_Test::TestBody()()
1819       uint64_t size = 2 << 20;
1821       ASSERT_EQ(0, create_image(ioctx, name, size, &order));
1822       ASSERT_EQ(0, rbd_open(ioctx, name, &image, NULL));
1824       const char *data = "blah";
>>>     CID 1201390:  Out-of-bounds access  (OVERRUN_DYNAMIC)
>>>     Allocating insufficient memory for the terminating null of the string.
1825       char read_data[strlen(data)];
1826       ASSERT_EQ((int)strlen(data), rbd_write(image, 0, strlen(data), 
1827       ASSERT_EQ(0, rbd_discard(image, 0, 0));
1828       ASSERT_EQ((int)strlen(data), rbd_read(image, 0, strlen(data), 
1829       ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, read_data, strlen(data)));

*** CID 1201391:  Out-of-bounds write  (OVERRUN_STATIC)
/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete/src/gf_w8.c: 1267 in gf_w8_table_init()
1261               ltd->div[prod][b] = a;
1262               ltd->smult[a][b] = prod;
1263               break;
1264             case 3:
1265               dd->multtable[a][b] = prod;
1266               dd->divtable[prod][b] = a;
>>>     CID 1201391:  Out-of-bounds write  (OVERRUN_STATIC)
>>>     Overrunning static array "dd->low[a]", with 16 elements, at position 
>>> 255 with index variable "b".
1267               if ((b & 0xf) == b) { dd->low[a][b] = prod; }
1268               if ((b & 0xf0) == b) { dd->high[a][b>>4] = prod; }
1269               break;
1270           }
1271         }
1272       }

*** CID 1201392:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/test/librados/ 134 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 
128     void RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(rados_ioctx_t ioctx)
129     {
130       // remove all objects from the default namespace to avoid polluting
131       // other tests
132       rados_ioctx_set_namespace(ioctx, "");
133       rados_list_ctx_t list_ctx;
>>>     CID 1201392:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "list_ctx" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
134       ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_objects_list_open(ioctx, &list_ctx));
135       int r;
136       const char *entry = NULL;
137       const char *key = NULL;
138       while ((r = rados_objects_list_next(list_ctx, &entry, &key)) != 
139         ASSERT_EQ(0, r);
/test/librados/ 139 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 
133       rados_list_ctx_t list_ctx;
134       ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_objects_list_open(ioctx, &list_ctx));
135       int r;
136       const char *entry = NULL;
137       const char *key = NULL;
138       while ((r = rados_objects_list_next(list_ctx, &entry, &key)) != 
>>>     CID 1201392:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "list_ctx" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
139         ASSERT_EQ(0, r);
140         rados_ioctx_locator_set_key(ioctx, key);
141         ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_remove(ioctx, entry));
142       }
143       rados_objects_list_close(list_ctx);
144     }
/test/librados/ 141 in RadosTestEC::cleanup_default_namespace(void 
135       int r;
136       const char *entry = NULL;
137       const char *key = NULL;
138       while ((r = rados_objects_list_next(list_ctx, &entry, &key)) != 
139         ASSERT_EQ(0, r);
140         rados_ioctx_locator_set_key(ioctx, key);
>>>     CID 1201392:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "list_ctx" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
141         ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_remove(ioctx, entry));
142       }
143       rados_objects_list_close(list_ctx);
144     }
146     std::string RadosTestECPP::pool_name;

*** CID 1201393:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/test/librados/ 1881 in LibRadosAioEC_RoundTripAppend_Test::TestBody()()
1875     }
1877     TEST(LibRadosAioEC, RoundTripAppend) {
1878       AioTestDataEC test_data;
1879       rados_completion_t my_completion, my_completion2, my_completion3, 
1880       ASSERT_EQ("", test_data.init());
>>>     CID 1201393:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "my_completion" going out of scope leaks the storage it points 
>>> to.
1881       ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_aio_create_completion((void*)&test_data,
1882                  set_completion_completeEC, set_completion_safeEC, 
1883       ASSERT_TRUE(rados_ioctx_pool_requires_alignment(test_data.m_ioctx));
1884       uint64_t alignment = 
1885       ASSERT_NE((unsigned)0, alignment);
/test/librados/ 1883 in LibRadosAioEC_RoundTripAppend_Test::TestBody()()
1877     TEST(LibRadosAioEC, RoundTripAppend) {
1878       AioTestDataEC test_data;
1879       rados_completion_t my_completion, my_completion2, my_completion3, 
1880       ASSERT_EQ("", test_data.init());
1881       ASSERT_EQ(0, rados_aio_create_completion((void*)&test_data,
1882                  set_completion_completeEC, set_completion_safeEC, 
>>>     CID 1201393:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "my_completion" going out of scope leaks the storage it points 
>>> to.
1883       ASSERT_TRUE(rados_ioctx_pool_requires_alignment(test_data.m_ioctx));
1884       uint64_t alignment = 
1885       ASSERT_NE((unsigned)0, alignment);
1887       int bsize = alignment;
1888       char *buf = (char *)new char[bsize];

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