Hi koleofuscus,

Thanks for the explanation : it is very conforting to know that you understand 
this :-) At the risk of being thick, I must say that the very notion of 
"coefficient" eludes me. What are they ?


On 29/06/2014 20:38, Koleos Fuscus wrote:
> Hello Loic,
> Dimakis (one of the authors of xorbas) is talking about coefficients
> because they want to find a way to reduce the storage overhead used
> with LRC. In the simple case used in Fig. 2, a RS (k=10, m=4) has
> 14/10 storage overhead but when using LRC, the overhead increases to
> 17/10 because you also need to store s1, s2 and s3. Basically, the
> idea is to find specific coefficients c1..c10 that permit to obtain s3
> through s1 and s2. In other words, get some s1 and s2 that when xored
> together give s3. If you find such coefficients, you don't need to
> store s3 and the storage overhead of LRC is 1.6x instead of 1.7x.
> Dimakis said that for the Reed Solomon implementation used in HDFS
> RAID they can simple set all coefficients with value '1' and use xor.
> This cannot be the case of the Reed Solomon implemented by you (I
> understood is the jerasure library by Plank) but that I am not sure. I
> guess we need the help of a mathematician or at least check and
> compare both implementations.
> Finally, apparently for xorbas they only implemented the configuration
> RS(10,4) and not other combinations. Unfortunately, the wiki page of
> the project is empty http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ErasureCode and the
> main page says 'erasure coding under development'.
> I recommend you to watch the xorbas presentation video
> http://smahesh.com/HadoopUSC/ (a very clear explanation of xorbas) and
> use the Dimakis wiki page to check the large collection of paper they
> have: http://storagewiki.ece.utexas.edu/
> Best,
> koleosfuscus
> ________________________________________________________________
> "My reply is: the software has no known bugs, therefore it has not
> been updated."
> Wietse Venema
> On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> In http://anrg.usc.edu/~maheswaran/Xorbas.pdf I get the idea of computing 
>> local coding chunks the way it is implemented in 
>> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/1921 (i.e. delegating encoding / decoding 
>> to other plugins). However, there are theoretical aspects of the paper that 
>> I do not understand and I'm hoping you can shed some light on it. In 
>> particular, I don't know what "coefficients" are about. For instance in the 
>> context of Figure 2 caption : "The main theoretical challenge is to choose 
>> the coeffi cients c(i) to maximize the fault tolerance of the code."
>> Would you recommend a paper to read to better understand this ? Also I'd 
>> like to understand what "coefficients" mean in the context of jerasure or if 
>> they do not apply.
>> Thanks for you help :-)
>> --
>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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