[adding ceph-devel]

> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Yann Dupont <y...@objoo.org> wrote:
> >
> > Le 30/09/2014 22:55, Patrick McGarry a ?crit :
> >>
> >> Hey cephers,
> >>
> >> The schedule and call for blueprints is now up for our next CDS as we
> >> aim for the Hammer release:
> >>
> >> http://ceph.com/community/ceph-developer-summit-hammer/
> >>
> >> If you have any work that you plan on submitting through the end of
> >> the year, please fill out a Blueprint (the big red button) as soon as
> >> possible.  Each blueprint will get a planning session with Sage and
> >> the community to make sure all work is well coordinated and planned.
> >>
> >> If you have questions, or would like my help on the Blueprint process,
> >> please don't hesitate to contact me.  Thanks!
> >>
> > Hi patrick (and other cephers)
> > Before making any new blueprint, I was reviewing some past ones, in
> > particular :
> >
> > https://wiki.ceph.com/Planning/Blueprints/Giant/librados%3A_support_parallel_reads
> > (I made some comments yesterday)

Not implemented

> > and even an older one (somewhat related):
> >
> > https://wiki.ceph.com/Planning/Blueprints/Emperor/librados%2F%2Fobjecter%3A_smarter_localized_reads


> > Is there a way to know if those blueprints are implemented, or in active
> > developpement ? In case of postponed blueprints, is there a way to promote
> > them again, to get consideration for hammer ?

Hmm, Patrick, I think what we've done in the past is to move the 
still-useful blueprints to the sideboard?  You probably already asked me 
to do that... :)

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