
Thank you for summarize this. I still have some questions and want to clarify 
with you.

For the wip-promote-forward, you said that it can't guarantee ordering. Does 
this problem exists in the proxy and promote approach? If not, how does the 
cache tier osd preserve the ordering? According to my understanding, a simple 
scenario can be like this: a read comes in, the cache tier osd proxies it. The 
pg lock is unlocked after sending the proxy request to base tier. A subsequent 
read request of the same object comes in. Somehow the cache tier osd just 
finishes the promotion for this object. And the 2nd read request is served at 
the cache tier. It may respond to the client first than the 1st read request.

If you don't already have someone working on this, definitely we can help on 
this. We can come back with the detail implementation later.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sage Weil <>
Date: 2014-11-01 5:01 GMT+08:00
Subject: cache tiering sessions at CDS

There were a pair of CDS sessions Wednesday on cache tiering that prompted a 
great discussion about the current performance problems we're seeing and ways 
to address them.  It was a long discussion but I'll do my best to summarize.  
Please chime in if I miss anything or if you disagree with my conclusions!

The first session was about fine-grained promotion.  I.e., promoting or storing 
only portions of an object in the cache.  Currently an object always exists in 
its entirely in the cache tier, but the latency from promotion can be expensive 
if the original write is small.

Sam and I generally agreed that there are advantages to doing this, but that 
the implementation will be quite complex.  There are also several simpler 
improvements that can be made that address many (most?) of the problematic 
workload patterns and are significantly simpler.

-- Reads --

Currently we either forward a read (decline to promote) or block a read while 
we promote.  Doing more declining (e.g. promote on 2nd read) is shown to help, 
but we should be able to do a lot better.

The first step is wip-promote-forward, or something similar, which forwards the 
read *and* initiates a promote.  The the original IO isn't delayed, only 
subsequent reads that arrive shortly after.

Second, even those subsequent reads need not wait for a promote: we can safely 
forward them too while promotion is in progress without breaking consistency 
from the client's perspective, as long as we preserve the order of reads and 
writes for each client.

9979 osd: cache: proxy reads (instead of redirect)
9980 osd: cache: proxy reads during promote

Note: I belive there is some ordering problems with *redirecting* reads and 
then stopping (e.g., redirect, start promote, finish promote, read from cache 
... the second read reply could reach the client before the first).  We may 
need to proxy in general?  :/

Anyway, proxying reads during promotion effectively makes the promotion 
asynchronous and transparent to the read workload, modulo the extra IO that the 
cache and base tiers will do (competition for network and disk IO).  I believe 
this will mitigate most of the impact on reads.

More importantly, it is least as good as the more complicated proposal of 
satisfying the read from the intermediate promotion result before it is written 
into the cache tier.  In particular, I think the *only* time using the 
intermediate promote result is better is when the read falls entirely within 
the current in-flight copy-get operation (in flight to the base tier, or in the 
process of being written to the cache but still in memory).  Any other time 
(unaligned read, read arrives before promote
starts) it's better to proxy it.

Also, note that it is mainly small reads that we care about.  We expect large 
reads to be less frequent and, when they happen, to be generally okay with 
sending those to the base tier anyway.

-> Stategies that hide promotion cost are probably more useful than
strategies that promote less (or partial) object data.

-- Writes --

The situation for writes is a bit more complex.  First, if we add the ability 
to proxy writes to the backend, we give ourselves the ability to decide if/when 
to promote (currently we unconditionally promote on write).
This would allow a 'promote on 2nd write' type of behavior (similar to what we 
did for read).

We talked about the possibility of combining the small write into the 
promotion's write of the full object into the cache.  Since these are currently 
pipelined, it is not clear that this will improve things very much.  Promoting 
only object metadata and writing a partial bit of data into the cache tier is 
the big win, but it's complex, and we should do all the simple things (like 
write proxying) first.

Finally, we talked about making a write-full on an object skip the data portion 
of the promote.  This is only moderately complex and seems doable.
However, it would be helpful to know how frequent write_full is in real 
workloads first.  Also, a write_full is arguably the type of operation where we 
might decline to promote at all, and simply proxy the write back to the base 

I think in the short term, the next step should be:

9981 osd: cache: proxy writes (instead of unconditionally promoting)

-- read-only cache --

Finally, we brought up the idea of a read-only cache tier:

 - reads would promote (or not) just as they do now
 - writes would invalidate (delete object from cache) and then forward/proxy

h/t to Dan Lambright for that suggestion.  Note that we already have a readonly 
cache mode; the delta here is how we handle the writes.

9982 osd: cache: make writes in readonly mode invalidate and then forward

There was a lot of discussion here so if you're interested you way want to 
check the pads or watch the videos.

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