Hi Ceph,

TL;DR: please upvote my talk proposal about OpenStack and teuthology 

I've been working on documenting and simplifying the usage of teuthology with 
OpenStack ( as explained at http://dachary.org/?p=3828 ) and proposed a talk 
for the next OpenStack summit on that topic. It would be great if it was 
accepted because I became so passionate about it that I can't wait to tell the 
whole story. For that to happen the first stage is to collect votes that show 
there is interest. Having a lot of votes is of course not enough for a talk to 
be selected, but it shows the speaker is at least motivated to do a little 
marketing about it.

I've always sucked at marketing but it's worth a shot ;-)


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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