I have a try of the newstore to explore its performance, which shows its 
performance is much poorer than filestore.

I test my cluster using fio, Here is the comparison of the two store with 
randread & randwrite scenario:

rw=randread, bs=4K, numjobs=1:
newstore: bw=2280.7KB/s, iops=570
filestore: bw=4846.6KB/s, iops=1211

rw=randwrite, bs=4K, numjobs=1:
newstore: bw=32999 B/s, iops=8
filestore: bw=250978 B/s, iops=61
The two tests are performed using the same hardware, but newstore is much 
poorer than filestore. From the view of the community, newstore is the next 
default backend store in Ceph, but why its performance so poor. Could someone 
tell me why?

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